English Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life: Solstice June 2022


A solstice with parallels
sneaking away form their masters
for oblivion will be turned off.

South rebirthing, North reproducing,
the wheel stops not even if thwarted.
Parallels will run into each other.

Quietly for fright knows it’s
the creature of those who left,
parallel dispensers of fire and water.

Sailing across parallel territories
keeping what the other is missing,
what one forgot and the other remembered.

In parallel. Lots of noise needed
here so as not to look there
for if they meet the story is over.

For it gives back what’s forgotten,
glimpse what’s lost and remembers
what’s already known. Parallelly.

For memory recovers itself
and that’s the end. But parallels
will meet although it’s said they don’t.

For those visited and visitors
are silenced parallelly with noise.
To hide them will not possible.

Striving stories will make noise,
striving us not to make noise,
striving parallels will meet each other.

For life knows no boundaries.


New Phase in the Wheel of Life:
Solstice 21 June 2022 09:14UT  – First days of August 2022
Southern Hemisphere: Winter Solstice |Rebirth | Yule
Northern Hemisphere: Summer Solstice |Reproduction| Lytha