This solstice was claimed not as such, before it came to be it was turned even into a star adornment.
About the start of another wheel in the North, almost nothing was said, less about the return for the South (1).
It was adornment by geocentric conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn for heliocentric already was and it’s leaving (2).
They turned it into the remake of the ‘star of Bethlehem’ from two thousand years ago and from another season.
They attributed to it the predestined event to bring about the so many times promised golden era.
The solstice was also suspended for sanitary reasons and they hung a sign: closed.
The solstice was eclipsed in realities running although they have nothing to do with it.
They turned it into a show. In passing they just said ‘from our point of view’ (3).
From that point of view (3) more than six months ago those planets appear as one star in the night sky.
Though the solstice will be no matter what is said, and in sidereal journey airs are changing.
We enter lands of dazzling encounters opening doors among many worlds.
Everything shines with light of its own along the road and without tricks for even stones reflect.
Distant places receiving visitors of even far-off kingdoms forbidden to be mentioned.
The Earth will pass this stretch as transit spectator for she is not invited.
Though she will be impregnated from that high irradiation by the overcharged ions of overflowing life.
After the solstice, the show goes to oblivion, though not those ions irradiating.
Until the end of this stretch, they will impregnate overflowing life to be annoyed with local immobilization decreed.
Written will remain about this stretch that something exotic and not expected vanished the same old fatality.
That even makers of their own disasters resorted to the little magic pill so as not to be vanished themselves.
That once more, we are the catalysts of our own light and that’s why this is a never-ending story even if they turn off the light.
(1) New Phase in the Wheel of Life:
Solstice 21 DEC 2020 10:02 UT until first days of February 2021
Southern Hemisphere: Summer Solstice | Reproduction | Litha
Northern Hemisphere: Winter Solstice | Rebirth | Yule
(2) Jupiter-Saturn conjunction was past 02 November. It was active since last 8 September and will be until 27 December, opening a new synodic cycle for the next 20 years, establishing new rules of displacement for the energy moving it all within the framework of exchange templates, including our movement. New ways and means of life. The other two synodic cycles this year introduced new exchange templates (Saturn-Pluto 10JAN, 37 years) and the energy moving it all for displacement was changed (Jupiter-Pluto 31JUL 12 years). In year 2020, there were three synodic cycles, following the conjunctions among three giants in the solar vicinity, signaling changes for the next decades in the skeleton of what we call ‘this world’:
10ENE Saturn-Pluto, 37 years, new exchange templates
31JUL Jupiter-Pluto, 12 years, change the energy moving it all
02NOV Jupiter-Saturn, 20 years, new rules of displacement
(3) From ‘our point of view’ is the geocentric view, the small window where we do not always see what it is, but what appears to be.