The wheel turns and the planet’s alchemy
balances the South and germinates the North,
the dry bounces the wet, and vice versa.
Rotating, sometimes against the wheel,
sometimes senseless, sometimes with sense,
rebounding between absence and presence.
Rebounding we cross the sidereal space
for here lost waves discharge,
colliding, fusing, illuminating.
Bouncing off each other pouring
worlds begetting sparks,
replicating us. Time and again.
From bounce to bounce airs
full of sparks illuminate what
the senses are silent about.
Sparks with entire histories,
with whole worlds, with meaning
that bouncing reveals itself.
Ephemeral yes, but if seen
are lived as a life or more.
Their time are eras instantly.
After and on the rebound, even if
sparks fly, the wheel will keep on
turning or begetting. It’s the same.
Before and after, may you see the sparks,
live them and on the rebound see yourself.
The airs are pouring your sparks.
New Phase in the Wheel of Life:
20 March 03:50 UT until the first days of May 2022
Southern Hemisphere: Fall Equinox | Balance | Mabon
Northern Hemisphere: Spring Equinox | Germination | Ostara