Remember to read feeling not thinking
Ciclo 8 | Vuelo 15 | Día Solar: 180 | Día Lunar: 23 | Gregoriano: 17/12/11
Greetings. We come flapping the Solstice and singing a new Lunar Month: December 24 2011 till January 22 2012.
The Solstice on December 22 2012 is the main guideline to understand the energies ofr this Lunar month with a triad of pulsations already reaching us, plus the Earth under the vibrations of the Galactic Center and Pluto, The Transformer, making sure dispositions are fulfilled:
- Last three years of our lives come one after another in a single puff, finally manifesting what was left suspended in the air. These are the interactions of the Earth, Pluto and Uranus.
- What endured through time is the key to distinguish those manifestations. This mantle is sent by Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto.
- Dispositions from the Sun: The Encounter with Antiquity, with our antiquity, which is not on books and goes through the unimaginable. This mandate emanates from Mars, Venus, Saturn and Pluto. We will recognize the encounter due to its vibrations which are similar to ours and when we find them – once again – we feel we come from them. This encounter is not necessarily collective on its manifestation, origins are as diverse as life itself.

The three pulsations coming from this Soltice are Drawn in Heavens with The Open Seal showing that the arcane o arcanes from our antiquity will be revealed. Pay attention to any symbol or icon which repeatedly crosses your roads and it’s useful to remember most ancient seals are also the simplest ones: a point, a diagonal line, a rhombus, a sphere, a zigzag line, a square, a rectangle, a spiral or lines turning, two lines crossed…
During the New Moon, pulsations will open a vortex to connect us with that dimension asleep until now, Mercury putting the seed and joining the Earth, Pluto and Uranus for the manifestation.
Only when Full Moon enters will these pulsations reveal totally. Only then we will realize the arcane from antiquity has revealed, stamping new vibrations in our lives through Saturn and Mercury in conjuction, and both of them interacting with the Earth and Venus on a triple effort to call our attention, which is completely captivated by…
…Dispositions seen from the Earth putting in front of us The Spellbound, as an effect of the rain coming from Jupiter in conjuction with Lilith, also bringing the Open Seal for the Encounter with Antiquity, and simultaneously dragging along situations that captivate us.
Besides, it’s very seductive to have situations ‘apparently impossible’ and when we find them we barely believe they exist, looking at them as if they were outside from us, in front of us, as if in a movie or artwork we admire, but we don’t see ourselves within them. Spellbound, captivated, charmed… in those states we will not be conscious either that those situations bring exactly what we were missing or deprived ourselves for a long time.
And the New Moon is so excited with those emanations that she herself will emanate Fascinations, making us feel up there in the clouds, emotionally agitated, forgetting also the last two eclipses are still flowing with The Reconcentration of powers, who are making a world to suit their interests out of our absences and, The Overflow from life silenced awaiting for us to remember who we are, joining the revelation of the arcanes from our antiquity.
Today, December 22, the Northern Hemisphere started the 5 days out of time, where life withdraws to rest on her silence and later on will be reborn with Winter Solstice.