2012 Sintonizaciones

The Solstice Venus Took Away | June 20 2012

Emanations from Winter | Summer Solstice June 20 2012 and the new solar phase. New Year in the Southern Hemisphere

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This solstice will be known as the one Venus took among the folds of her dress.
They will tell portentous was she seen transiting, leaving space and taking the time about to come.
Filled the senses with her scents, there will be none to account fot the times.

By uneasiness, insistence will try to hide them under obsolete formulas.
Zombies and plagues neutralized. Delirious ones will suffocate on their own delirium.
About clashes, Mars himself will denounce machinations for time to battle was not.

Solitary we’ll sail for to listen, no one will hear. Each one to its endeavor and obsession.
We will come across more origins, winged and extirpated. Giants will return to the headlines.
Magnetized along with the solstice, we will go away after Venus, looking for shelter when the waters become rough.

From the other sky another Wheel of Life turned.

Solstice Greetings!

  • Solstice June 20 23:09 UT initiating a new solar phase to last until August 6
  • Winter Solstice for the South, starting a Solar New Year with the Rebirth phase
  • Summer Solstice for the North, marking the first half of its year with the Reproduction phase

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