English Panoramas South

Southern Cross: Our Wheel of Life in Heavens

Cruz del Sur www.losbosques.netLea la versión en castellano aquí

In the South, when we reach Appeasement (first days in May) in the Solar Wheel of Life , we initiate the last phase of our year (in the North they begin Growth).

As we approach the dark days of the year, folds between worlds become thin, activating vortex and allowing greater communication with unseen worlds.

It’s time to return to the origins, honor ancestors and ask for their guidance; although due toBroken Links with the Wheel of Life we celebrate this officially together with the Northern Hemisphere on Day of the Dead in November, that is when they have their Appeasement.

This 4th Quarter or 8th Phase in the Wheel of Life for the South is celebrated by numerous people and territories as the Feast of the Cross, referring to and following the Southern Crosss constellation, which is our Wheel of Life manifested in heavens.

Lámina Qoricancha www.losbosques.netThis moment has such importance that according to Las Crónicas de los Molina, before the Inti Raymi (Feast of the Sun) celebrated with Winter Solstice, it would have been during the Feast of the Cross that a new cycle started; an event observed throughout American territories, as Carlos Milla   (1995). This celebration was and is also observed by Celtic people in the Northern Hemisphere that welcome their new year in November with Samhain, their Appeasement.

The Southern Cross is our Wheel of LIfe manifested in heavens with her 4 main stars (Alfa Cross, Beta Cross, Delta Cross and Gamma Cross) forming their positions a cross and almost oriented toward the 4 cardinal points when its major axis is vertical over us, exactly the first days of May. And,

the other 4 points in the wheel ar formed by its intermediate points as Huaman Poma reflected on his drawings. (Milla, 1995)

Puerta Sol Tiwanaku Souther Cross also indicates ourSouthern North and natural cycles:

“if we could observe in the open during the day and then throughout the night, we would still be disconcerted by another of its movements. It would seem as its main axis sweeps the sky as a gigantic pointer on a clock dial. And in fact that is the Southrn Cross, an enormous celestial clock during any month and any year. The line traced from the superior star and going through the end of the cross, signals eternally the austral celestial Southern Pole, exactly like the polar star indicates the true North in the Boreal Hemisphere” (free translation, quote on Milla, 1995)

Following the Southern Cross the Andean people distributed their territories:

Cruz Sagrada Andina“…in the pre pottery epoch, the Andean communitarian state known as Pusisuyu, in Amara or Tawantinsuyu in Quechua or Runasimi language… “The Pusisuyu was Wiñaymarca, that is the mancommunities of the four cardinal points, they were continous, eternal referring to the total content of the communitarian Jakaña system”… Orientations and the number of its 4 regions or Suyus are linked to the 4 stars in the Southern Cross constellation. The navel, Ccosco or Taypicala would be the crossing point of both arms and would have been situated originally in Tiwanaku” (free translation, quoted in Milla, 1995).

But, as everything detaching from the Wheel of Life, or if you want to say it otherwise, from cosmic movements that give us life, from the Southern Cross dettaches forgotten history:

The Southern Cross is known in these territories as Chakana, which means bridge, crossed sticks, but also South. The chakana representation has remained as lithic archeological legacy in the shape of a staggered cross in countless places of South America that to these days is known as the Andean Sacred Cross.

diagonalFollowing the rectangles that shape it, we find the 8 points or rays of the Wheel of LIfe. These rectangles, present in the archeological legacy, like in the Sun Door, generate by the turn of the square’s diagonal or major base of the Southern Cross.

The square’s diagonal is the Sacred Proportion. This Andean geometrical formula in movement offers the three steps or diagonals that shape each side of the Andean Sacred Cross or Squared Cross.

Proporción Sagrada Andina

The Squared Cross is the ritual expression of the geometrical formula and with that formula the circumference’s square is calculated.

Diagonal de la Vida www.losbosques.netAnd with that geometrical formula applying life’s diagonal, Andean people distributed space in their territories, looking for relationships among the Cosmo’s vortex or wakas, territories and Nature, as it is evidenced in the Viracocha Road or Qápaq Ñam or the territorial distribution mentioned above.

The geometrical and mathematical solution of the Chakana is fractal as it is reflected on ritual caps, archeological legacies, pottery and the whipala.

Whipala KollasuyuThe whipala formed by squared staggered crosses with rainbow colors finds its movements, meanings and cultural reproductions in Chakana, which also changed according to Andean territories location where it is raised.

Cruz Sagrada, Fractalidad y Cotidianeidad

The method used to apply the circumference’s square is found in “Génesis de la Cultura Andina” (2)

And in that ritual expression of the Sacred Cross we recognize the cultural production of our people that speak the iconographic language to transmit the historical legacy and recreate it reproducing life.

Akapana, Tiwanaku

There are many, many additional relations of the Southern Cross with our daily life, the functioning of our organisms, social formations and expressions, sciences, besides its presence in numerous peoples that left their legacy on stones. (3)

Our Wheel of Life that takes us into Apeeasement now

with the Southern Cross upright in heavens

reminds us that in our origins we will find our reason of being

and in our fractality the sense of reproducing life.


Note: If you are following the Transition to Next Solar Cycle, notice that with Appeasement the 4th Section is started towards incubating life and there is always Dorkhyt to help you remember and synchronize to natural cycles.



1. Carlos Milla Villena: “La Constelación de la Cruz del Sur” en “La Enigmática Etnoastronomía Andina” Tomo 2 Primer Encuentro de Cosmovisión Andina “La Cruz Cuadrada”- Editor Centro de Cultura, Arquitectura y Arte Taipinquiri, 1995, La Paz, Bolivia

2. Carlos Milla Villena: “Génesis de la Cultura Andina”, Ediciones Amaru Wayra, 2005, Lima Perú

3. Carlos Milla Villena: “Ayni”, Ediciones Amaru Wayra, Lima, Perú 2007


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