
Solstice December 22 2011 and Solar Journey

Information on Summer | Winter Solstice December 22 2011 and Solar Journey

Arriving to Solstice this Thursday, December 22 2011 at 05:30GMT Source

Southern Hemipshere: Summer Solstice

Season: Summer’s maximum expression, which started past August 7 and will end February 4, 2012

Solar Phase: Reproduction, when life multiplies and abounds in all her expressions. Summer Solstice clocks the first half of the year that started with Winter Solstice in June 21, 2011.



Northern Hemisphere: Winter Solstice

Station: Winter’s maximum expression that started past AUgust 7 and will end February 4 2012

Solar Phase: Rebirth, when life is reborn expandind a new turn in the Wheel of Life. Winter Solstice clocks the start of a new year.



The Solar Journey before this Solstice

Last Solstice we took the Turn towards the Great Cycle
while three eclipses eclipsed the horizon:
censorship, power struggles and axis shifting.

Next stop in the planetary traslation,
worlds met, and out of time
they dissolved their folds removing the long night.

For the Equinox, futures spoke defying
the laws of men in the language of resonances:
“we arrived a long time ago”, and reason no longer had value.

A phase later we sailed without knowing our wished roads,
while amber drops took us back to the beginning
and sculpted in our vapours lost reverberations;
two eclipses revived Reconcentration and Overflow

Now, undergoing another Solstice, returning us or turning us once more,
few will see we are in the futures with life liberated,
walking other destinies and with arcanes from our antiquity revealed.

Los Bosques Solstice Greetings in this link
