
Solstice 21 December 2013 | Dematerialization

Soon we will be at the Solstice and navigate de-materializing life



On our way to the Solstice plowing through its tides already blowing
working on the angles of its curvatures the next phase
where spirals make invisible the seductive visibility.

Through the mouth of the axis where mermaids, giants and winged ones dwell, 
where shapes are just states mutating and above them: us.
In and out of them, out and in through them. Materializing the dematerialization.

The word even runs as fashion and everywhere we see the intetion:
lighten the load for in these densities one flows dematerializing.
That’s how we navigate this stretch* tuning even thoughts for they weigh indeed.

There are intentions and intentions. Those trying to hide the sun with the finger wish  
evidence would dematerialize will not go further than materializing 
a colossal ship on the road. Greater than the one moving us from day to day.

When this stretch* is over the laws of physics shall dematerialize,
rules in a hurry will make up new dresses so not to be exiled,
and the Solar System singularity will denounce a forced materialization.

Before we plug in ourselves into ‘high tech’
may calm sing for previous to our arrival we were already dematerialized,
then we will walk through worlds once again without wires and asking permission from no one.


[colored_box title=”*New Solar Phase” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″]
Date: 21 December 17:11 UT Source
Duration: 21 December 2013 to 2 February 2014
Solar Phase: Southern Hemisphere  Reproduction, Summer Solstice | Northern Hemisphere Rebirth, Winter Solstice[/colored_box]

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