2012 Sintonizaciones

Solstice 21 December 2012

Greeting the solstice that changed our worlds, spaces and times


Rocked by the giant breath, air, sea and land have folded in one,
emerging the sparks with new worlds, settling on the lap of the foams,
moving us into other seas and waves where we jump lightly between times floating through tunnels.

We are other times and spaces without erasing footprints and calluses from our origins,
those are unreachable and carried in the breath, inner nature and the gaze;
with those times and spaces are made, with them we cross worlds, through them we endure.

In those spaces with entangled times, we shall return to the forest, stones and winds, 
feeling closer to the distant breath of our people still waiting for our return 
in times and spaces veiled to this valley.

Under the shadow of this decreed date, the cycle anticipated itself and the Solstice already came in ,
we are in other times where spaces are defined by the spaces within times,
edifying the spirals of the worlds between worlds that wills visit 

Neither hundreds of techniques, nor thousands of ceremonies,
nor millions of theories, or billions of opinions,
or trillions of beliefs, will tell us to be ourselves, 

It will be the murmur of waves, branches and breezes,
the shelter of mountains, trees and caves singing
that in any time and space may we be ourselves.


New Solar Phase >  21 December 11:12 TU Source
Duration: December 21 2012 to February 3 2013

June Solstice was taken by the Transit of Venus, and the one in December will be taken by a decreed date, together with celebrations receiving the new Galactic Cycle.

In our navigation around the sun and over the Earth, the Southern Hemisphere arrive to the Summer Solstice, the fifth phase of the cycle, Reproduction, the first half of the year, the return to the beginning, Lytha in the Celtic Wheel of Life.  The Northern Hemisphere reaches the Winter Solstice, the start of a new Solar year, the first phase of their cycle, Rebirth, Yule in the Celtic Wheel of Life.

Along with this Solstice, come the maximum intensities form the Giant Wave, the one that was an arrow, the one thrown by the archer to whom heavens called our attention, the wave that swallowed the eclipses of ramifications, tentacles and inductions.

Bolivia is preparing official events at Lake Titicaca starting December 16 and ending on December 21, which will be broadcasted live by  Canal 7 Bolivia TV. From the official page: ’21 de diciembre – Tiempo del Pachakuti’ the following links were selected related to the Solstice, cosmic movements and some of the history written on stones by the peoples:

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New Moon Dec 13 2012 | Awakenings

Solar Phase Nov 7 2012 | The Arrow

 Full Moon & Eclipse Nov 28 2012

Eclipse Nov 28 2012 | Inductions 


Great Cycle and 2012

2012 arrived dressed as new year

Southern Cross: Wheel of Life

Eclipse 13 Nov 2012 | Ramifications 


I Am You, Whispering

Lecturas en el Aire

Life Geometries

Transit of Venus | Forgotten Histories
