It’s the first number in life
consequence of the monad and the duality
synthesizing existences.
Three fires we are: the first we do not understand,
the second we sacralize,
the third we try to suffocate.
Three walk on us, in three worlds,
and three subtleties. We are three
which is one three times.
The Three across Life:
- Triangle, Tripod, Tretactis
- Potency, Energy and Force
- Triple Goddess, Hecate, Pachamama
- Igneous Fire, Friction Fire, Solar Fire
- Rue, Rosemary and Broom | Three herbs should always have
- Kether, Chomah and Binah | Superior Triad, Kabbalah
- The Fates, Ladies of Destiny or Spirits of Life | Greek Mythology
- Atma, Buddhi and Manas | Vedic Teachings
- Father, Son and Holy Ghost Catholic Religion
- Past, Present and Future
- Body, Mind and Spirit
- Air, Sea and Land
- Oak, ash and thorn | Fairy Triad of Trees
- The Upperworld (Otherworld), The Underworld and The Middle World
- Alhajpacka, Akapacha, Manqhapacha | in Aymara the last Triad
- The Grace, The Fury and The Gorgons | Greek Mythology
- The cube of number three has the power of the Lunar Cycle > attributed to Pythagoras
- Omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence
- Trigrams in I Ching
- Three primary colours: red, blue and yellow
- The Trident of Greek Poseidon and Latin Neptune
The three groups of primordial numbers | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Triad = Androgynous origin of life
- Time, space, causality
- Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis
- Salomon Seal
- Trimurti in Indo Pantheon | Brahma the creator, Vichnu the conservator, Ziva the destructor
- Spirit, soul and body
- Three Fold Flame of Everlasting Fire
- Trailokyia or Trilokya in Budhism | The Three Worlds
- The Triad Society in China
- The Egyptian Three Guardians of Fire
Vishnu Three Steps | vedic teachings
- Clover or Trefoil
- Father, Mother and Daughter
- Triple Deity: Chaos, Theos, Kosmos
- Matter, Force and Spirit
- Divine Triangle or Pythagoras Triangle and…
- …his Theorem: “the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the two squares of its legs”
and many more for triads
walk in, with and around us
for we are triads
and life is three-fold…
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