We shall sail out of inertia for the formula to languish wills will have worked.
Many forbidden answers slipped brilliantly shall awake oblivions,
taking the varnish off to what made sense. Remaining as stick-puppets.
Ideal numbness that will recoil before the crossroad: molds or merchandise.
Coined again. Four grams mores. Ostentatious engravings.
From hand to hand as petrified merchandise. As columns of obedient little coins.
East and West shall mark new latitudes on the Azores belt.
South shall relocate longitudes. The concoction may lie, the river won’t.
North shall announce changes. We shall hear the roar once it’s over.
Apparently Venus shall cross the Sun. We shall never know what we saw.
A shadow shall take its place. Doesn’t matter, it shall leave transporters.
New in the public chronology. Coppery fluids flowing with its own energy.
About the quantum leap no one will talk, we will just live through it
under the cloak of the new codes and the sword chasing.
A few audacities will deny convenient science.
May we wise up remembering we are much more than this!
May we remember we are not the sentece and the sentence is not without us!
May we recover life and be ourselves!
[colored_box variation=”steelblue” bgColor=”#000000″ textColor=”#708090″]Greetings for the new Solar phase to start on May 4, 2012 at 02:13 GMT and will last until June 19 2012. South: Appeasement | Samhain veils withdraw among between the worlds. North: Growth | Beltane life unfolds [/colored_box]
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