
New Solar Phase | February 3 2013

This solar phase turns on the spinning wheel tracing the travelling axis among worlds

Third Quarter February 2013

Versión en castellano


The spinning wheel turns and in the other world spirals emerge giving birth to times,
times spinning within times, rolling while fractalizing timelines,
stretching out its overlapped nets, marking traces symmetrically.

Times are speaking. Intermittent. When not seen here, they are over there. 
Fecundating here, regenerating there. Or, regenerating here, fecundating there. 
From one otherness to the other, being the other here and onetime over there.

Times are chasing each other. From here to there. Find each other they will not.  
The one here completes with the one over there and the one over there has no excuse to be without the one here.
Before the graze, the portal inverts them to be transported into their otherness. 

Times are on the run. They chase each other coiling into the other one.
Though the spinning wheel stops a sigh before the encounter and places them on other scales; 
over there posterity comes prior to the lightness of reason.

We, stunned and unconscious jumping in between times, 
where once before arriving we were sheltered by the otherness of matter,
in the rolling vacuum the spinning wheel takes here and there. 

It will be the turn* unveiling times in their otherness, 
the one riding us into the travelling axis crossing worlds, 
the one that is not a logical sequence but the impossible made possible.

The spinning wheel turns, as invisible as the axis, whistling the times,
which have decided to tell their history without ladders
and reveal their otherness in helixes completing on the other side.

Magic is on the turn, on scales diluting,
on distances disappearing, on the cyclical leap.
The spinning wheel will spin times and times will transport without distances.

We will find that out by silencing the good and the ugly,
listening to the times speaking over there of the here,
while the spinning wheel turns and on the other side the spirals of times emerge.


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The mid-point between the last Solstice and next Equinox will be next Sunday, February 3 at 15:157 GMT (BOL 11:57).

South: Regeneration | She-Lake | Lammas | Lughnasad | Third Quarter | Autumn Fecundation

North: Fecundation | She-Mist | Imbolg | First Quarter | Spring Fecundation


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