English Wheel of Life

New Phase in the Wheel of Life: 1 August – 22 September 2019

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Almost used to converging from a distance,
no physicality and no circuits, we were
thrown physically into far aways.

Passages of the new stretch crossed
our way, projecting us above velocity
and made light into dimensional distances.

Sidereal stretch replete of passages,
transporting us instantly into unknown
sceneries, routes, whereabouts.

Without noticing, these are other confines.
We arrived or are about to. Floating or
making footprints through endless passages.

Thwarted remained those nearness,
made of speeches, headlines and blinding
lights. We left. And they were no more.

From far away, nearness is not seen. From another
passage it will be remembered as an invention
that makes not our symphony, nor intones it.

In the annals of the history ever to be
written, indelible traces will remain
from passages towards other histories.

Yours. Each one’s. The one not trafficked.
The one exchanging nearness for passages
into far aways becoming fruitful.

Thwarted remained nearness shuffled
without passages, options and too many
exclusions. Far away, we will carry on.


New Solar Phase in the Wheel of Life:
Approx. 1AGO until 22SEP
Southern Hem.: 1st Quarter | Fecundation | Imbolg
Norther Hem.: 3rd Quarter | Regeneration | Lammas