Ciclo 6 | Vuelo 21 | Día Solar: 296 | Día Lunar: 29 | Gregoriano: 12/IV/10
* Lea la versión en castellano aquí
Greetings. This flight comes as entangled as dispositions in heavens to untangle appearances:
- New Moon on April 14 to regenerate what sustains us
- New section for the Transition to Next Solar Cycle in Southern Hemisphere
- Our navigation around the Sun getting closer to next Solar phase: South, Appeasement and North Growth
- Solar Giants continue on the Balance of the Eras and the Undermined Authority drawn in heavens remain until Full Moon. Key for entanglements: untangle with Earth
- Once more, everyone invited to the World People’s Conference on climate Change and Rights of Mother Earth
- Read feeling not thinking and perceive the wave with very ancient winds about to show up. Like this, but much older:
Southern Hemisphere: Moon Speaking of Origins | Vital Emanation: Return
Northern Hemisphere: Mating Moon | Vital Emanation: Multiplication of Life
Both Hemispheres: Breathing through perceptions
Lunar Month
New: Wednesday April 14 12:29 UT (08:29 BOL)
Crescent: Wednesday April 21 18:20 UT (14:20 BOL)
Full: Wednesday April 28 12:18 UT (08:18 BOL)
Waning: Thursday May 6 04:15 UT (00:15 BOL)
Fuente: U.S. Naval Observatory :::
For this Lunar Month little or no effect will have any attempt to disguise realities, her emanations imbuing us with sustaining essences, of substances that can be hidden not even by darkness and what is more brings assignments from the Solar vicinity to ‘Regenarate that which Sustains’; therefore, whatever does not impact, has no effect, or leaves no trace… has no meaning. As forgotten as this, but older:
The New Moon drags along emanations from last Lunar Month and, starting with the Full Moon, a new cycle comes in bringing also the new Solar Phase. But, before that, let’s live the Moon bathing us with the entanglement of whims and impositions from Solar Giants, also the emanations of the Earth who has the key to untangle (see Solar Giants) and do not stop breathing perceiving the unseen, the forgotten, for the coming wave will take us to see what we had in a lethargic state.
Southern Hemisphere:
Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: Balance | To synchronize click on link or left image
Navigation: Approaching Appeasement
Life Planning: Harvest is over and it’s no longer time to act, before entering the reflection, we are going to distribute what we have in order to go on.
Los Bosques promotes the Transition to Next Solar Cycle with a downloadable guide, in 8 steps,we started with Autumn Equinox and will finish 5 days before Winter Solstice, including Dorkhyt’s use for those who have it.
El primer tramo, hemos reconstruido ‘¿por dónde he venido?’; en el segundo visibilizamos ‘¿dónde estoy yendo?’. Del 14 al 29 de abril, el tramo DISTRIBUCIÓN, mirando ‘¿quién estoy siendo?’ de acuerdo al camino que he recorrido. Si tiene preguntas, no dude en contactarse, estamos para apoyar.
The first stretch we reconstructed ‘where) did I come from?’, for the second one we made visible ‘where am I going?’. From April 14 to 29, the DISTRIBUTION section, we will see ‘who am I being? according to the roads we stepped into. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to support you.
Northern Hemisphere:
Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: Germination | Click on link or left image to synchronize
Navigation: Approaching Growth of Life
Life Planning: You already know what emerged in your life for this year. Now it’s time tomake it grow, feed it, give new steps so it expands later, implementing the necessary actions, following your plans and not leaving them in halves. The key question is: what do I need to reach my goals?
Dorkhyt: Sinchronyze with 3 slow breathings and let your breath flow. Evocation early in the morning looking for your own emanation.
Previous: Looking into the disposition of the heavens is to restitute unseen worlds remembering different roles we perform in the music of the spheres as vibrational keys, diverse as the life we are while we move through space, giving colors and shapes to our manifest worlds.
Drawn in heavens: ‘The Undermined Authority’ continues until the Full Moon
Disposition for the Lunar Month: ‘Balance of the Eras’ continues until the Full Moon
Our galaxy is receiving very ancient winds to finish the work on the ‘Balance of the Eras’, we will listen forgotten stories and more than one surprise on our origins. Like this, but much older:
Solar vicinity is still drawing in heavens the ‘Undemined Authority’ (see last flight) invading us with those feelings to impose on others, to do what we wish, to expect from others to see with our eyes and towards those places with ‘absolute truths’. However, now the Earth has located on a privileged place where she can listen from above those quarrels that do not fit, synchronizing with them you can recover fresh air without disguises.
Also until the Full Moon the disposition of the ‘Wheel of Manifestation’ (in the Balance of the Eras) remains revealing what we are now, which was told last flight like this:
This ‘Wheel of Manifestation’ is like life in movement to reveal that which was taking shape in unseen worlds as a result of times (eras) and their movements (changes) are trying to adapt (place). Not everything is new for the ‘Balance of the Eras’, rather it’s a mix of what constituted us and was left unseen, what we are and remained hidden, what we will be as a result of what we lived, what we will still be as a consequence of being ourselves.
Yes, there is a change in roles for this section, the purpose is handled by Venus and Pluto who are the base of changes: actions need to be part of life’s flows that come done, it’s a matter of flowing while you act through life’s flows, without creating ‘genius formulas’ nor waiting the ‘imaginary favor’, but being part of, participating.
For Southern Hemisphere, the outward journey flows enriching what we have in our hands and the return is reliving what we abandoned. For Northern Hemisphere, the outward journey is initiating lethargic plans and the return expanding its outreach.
And regarding attitudes in both hemispheres, take out the glasses of appearance… looks like everything is done, that alliances are given, that we could be out of the game, that it’s too late. That’s what we see from the planet, but we also see the Sun rising in the East and setting in the West, however the Sun’s orbit is much wider than that.
Besides the Earth, in this entangled and whimsy stretch, holds the key to untangling: give steps listening to what comes next.
Vibrations are too diverse for this stretch, if you want to know your rithm write to us sending your date and place of birth.

We insist on inviting everyone to participate at the
World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth to be held in Cochabamba, Bolivia, April 20 – 22, 2010. Register at Working Groups and you will be able to participate at electronic debates already unfolding (use English tab). Here you will find a proposal for questions for a world referendum on climate change (Spanish). Believe it or not, whether you support it or not, participate, only if we are where decisions are taken we can make sure that no one decides for us.
May We Return with the Ancient Wave!
In Los Bosques you can synchronize to your cycles, worlds and yourself starting your reactivation now, remembering our forgotten history and requesting your Dorkhyt to remember who you are and which your life purpose.