English Luna Moon

New Moon October 7 2010 ‘like the flying bat’

New Lunar Month stopping excesses and calling not to let yourself be influenced by deceiving looks in the path to being ourselves

Ciclo 7 | Vuelo 7 | Día Solar: 105 | Día Lunar: 26 | Gregoriano: 3/X/10

Las Pichitankas

Previous: Looking into the disposition of the heavens is to restitute unseen worlds

remembering the different roles we perform in the music of the spheres as vibrational keys,

diverse as the life we are while we move through space, giving colors and shapes to our manifest worlds.

Remember to read feeling not thinking.


Ciclo Lunar

Vital Emanation for Lunar Month: Contagious Emotions

Lunar Month Dates:

  • New: Thursday, October 7 18:44 UT (14:30 BOL)
  • Crescent: Thursday, October 14 21:27 UT (17:27 BOL)
  • Full: Saturday, October 23 01:36 UT (Friday, Oct 22 23:36 BOL)
  • Waning: Saturday, October 30 12:46 UT (08:46 BOL)
Fuente: U.S. Naval Observatory


Ciclo Solar

Southern Hemisphere: Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: : Germination | Earth’s Navigation: Moist emanates Kingdoms of Water and Air

Northern Hemisphere: Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: Balance | Earth’s Navigation: Dryness emanates Kingdoms of Fire and Earth


Gigantes Solares

Drawn in heavens: The Flying Bat

Disposition for the Lunar Month:

From the Sun: Stopping Excesses | From the Earth: Deceiving Looks


The Emanations of the Lunar Month in Our Lives:

Heading to the new Lunar Month, still living the triadic dimensions of the finishing one,

  • besides showing us the three faces we are (role in present cycle, potentiality to regenerate life, what we always were),
  • continues taking off the masks and revealing the true nature of people.

In the Southern Hemisphere, last Lunar Month we saw what will germinate in our lives this Solar year.
In Northern Hemisphere, we saw how far we could go and start planning next Solar year.
New Lunar Month (October 7- November 5) wraps realities to restrain excesses.

Many tensions and entanglements, pulling from both sides, until tension escapes and a protecting balance restores life’s course.
On one side, battles demanding logic, reasonning, obedience, blow from Saturn, Mercury and Mars, seems like they are about to be victorious and impose their inflexibility, but surprise…

Golden crowned fruit batOn the other side, realities already are onto something else and with an unstoppable force fed by Earth, Venus, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Jupiter; on the loose after they realized that among all of them they are very strong to reach wherever they feel like it…

Both sides on the loose after their wishes, Pluto comes in, the Transformer, ruling our times and irradiating the greatest force under the auspice of the Galactic Center, and comes to restrain excesses so that outcomes do not get far away from the major horizon: other worlds are already possible, we are others, we are in a new home, and here life is multiplied not cut off…

This month there will be no start, no end, just transforming excesses.

The Earth also has her excesses, running quickly to reach her goals, but when she stops to look around, she realizes no one is there, everybody going the other way and paired: Mercury Saturn | Sun Moon | Venus Mars | Chiron Neptune | Uranus Jpupiter.
She forgets her things and in a rage of ‘I’m missing something’, turns around and runs to knock at the door asking to be part of what she saw. The other Solar giants let her in without understanding much and in there she finds… nothing!

To the eyes of the Earth, or from the Earth, seemed like everyone else was paired were going somewhere else, but the Solar System does not turn around the Earth and what she sees is just a perspective not long enough to see what really is happening in the movement of the planets.

Not only did the Earth forget her things, but also that looks deceive and eyes distort. Time lost. Back to her things…
And since we are the Earth, it’s possible that we act like her. Alternative? Follow the sign drawn in heavens: ‘The Flying Bat’.

Before allowing any kind of prejudice on that sign, let’s tell what it’s announcing.

Bats have poor visual acuteness, however, they apply their perception system, known as ‘echolocation’, through which ultrasonic sounds are sent with the intention to produce echoes and gather information on surroundings.

They have the advantage of not getting distracted with deceiving looks that our eyes encounter. Those other faculties resort to perceptions, vibrating waves… to unseen worlds. And they do it while they fly, while they are in action, applying different dimensions of their being.

That’s the alternative. While we act, perceive what’s happening in unseen worlds to understando what’s going on and not let youself be influenced by seen worlds with deceiving looks.

A Lunar Month packed with tensions that end up stopping excesses, from inflexibilities as well as from transgressions for one can do as it pleases but without stepping into no one. Also a month of deceiving looks distracting our focus. Add to it the caramel from the Moon emanating contagious emotions and try to proceed calmly.

In case you want to know more about bats, slandered and denigrated beings, here is a video and links to see more.


May Your Triads Walk with You!


In Los Bosques you can synchronize to your cycles, worlds and yourself starting your reactivation now, remembering

our forgotten history and requesting your Dorkhyt to remember who you are and which your life purpose.

Las Pichitankas


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