English Luna Moon

New Moon October 18 2009: Visit Parallel Universes and Feed The Hungry Ones

Ciclo 6 | Vuelo 6 | Día Solar: 117 | Día Lunar: 28 | Gregoriano: 15/X/09

* Lea la versión en castellano aquí

Las Pichitankas

¡Greetings Multiverses!

On our beaks multiverses, on our wings paths to reach them and in our breath hungry people waiting for us to act.

That’s how we come for this New Moon that expands life to other worlds as a bridge to force our eyes into the inequities we perpetrate without possible justification: ONE BILLION HUNGRY PEOPLE IN THE WORLD

Solar Giants: They draw three worlds showing us the role each one has within their territories, how to act and what to do to revert inequities. At the same time, multidimensionaly for nothing has just one face, they take us to live our parallel universes.

Solar Cycle: Sailing in the South through Germination and simultaneously living Growth;

North, Balance and simultaneously Appeasement

New Moon: brings Magnetic Fluids opening portals

Fractal Mandelbrot -


Gigantes SolaresDrawn in Heavens: The Boat

Previous: Looking into the disposition of the heavens is to restitute unseen worlds remembering different roles we perform in the music of the spheres as vibrational keys, diverse as the life we are while we move through space, giving colors and shapes to our manifest worlds.

Dispositions still active:


Lunar Month Disposition: Live Mutidimensionally and Revert Inequities

Waves of turbulence from last lunar month reduced their frequency, The Boat drawn in heavens has entered the mists where overlapped worlds can be seen, standing out three under the shape of: the plain at the mountain side, the stone man, the magical mushroom.. a Triad = decisions in major spheres precede ours.

Fractal Mandelbrot -

These worlds are the one and same bubble, being all part of the same shape… the same fractility… but each world from its special features co-exists together with the other and yes live each other simultaneously. Yes, live each othe, one being part of the others.

That’s how we will live the lunar month by cosmic dispositions and if we navigate synchronized we will be able to remember how to live simultaneously in several worlds. We will live our own multidimensionality, in each action or glance, including the roles of the Earth in those three worlds and considering flows of life are crossing as a totality in each world:

The Plain at the Mountain Side = Showing what to do in our territories

Saturn = Guardian Ruler of the Times
Uranus = Spirit of the Mountain that at dawn agitates change
Jupiter = Insemintes change seeds
Neptune and Chiron = The horizon: worlds for everyone without exclusions
Pluto = Blocks any attempt to stop change
Mars = Regent rebel of Minor Mount defying the Mountain
Earth = Under the influence of Mars emerges the warrior, on the Mountain links worlds, on the plain is Mother Earth feeding
Mercury and Venus = Linked by Mars do not give up the effort, without Mars they irradiate new paths


Fractal Mandelbrot - www.losbosques.netStone Man = Show the ‘immutability’ of the glance towards ‘the substantial’

Saturn = Regent of Movement (nape)
Uranus = Renovative of Airs
Pluto = Spine where life flows run
Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter = Open mouth waiting for transforming food
Mars = Boiling brain
Earth = Eagle eyes to see what we turned insivible, those we made invisible and invisible ones.
Mercury and Venus = Speak from the Portal of the Essence = The pineal gland


Magical Mushroom = Shows the regenerating food to recuperate life

Saturn and Uranus = Constitute the food of perfect proportion
Pluto = At the top spilling over transforming water
Jupiter, Mercury and Venus = The Visible Axis of Transforming Space
Uranus and Mars = The Tremor of Restitution
Earth = The Invisible Axis of LIfe’s FLow


Reactivación Multidimensional - Multidimensional Reactivation | www.losbosques.netThere are several attempts of sciences to explain parallel universes, multiverses, multidimensionalities and so diverse as the cosmovision each person attempting has; and hardly does any of them is ‘rationalized’ by expectant audiences. Motives are as numerous as dimensions, although the common place to assimilate is the activation of our capabilities to live them and that implies undergoing the experience to feel them, which is out of the boundaries of all ‘rationality’.

To live your multidimensionality, feel the experience. And feel it not once, but forever, as when you learn to mount a bycicle one and never forget again. Do not wait for anyone to show you or see for you, visit your multidimensionality with the Multidimensional Reactivation Workshop, answering your questions, and of course, expanding your life.

In this You Tube link you will find several video playlists on ‘parallel universes’ where scientists share their progress on this topic, similar to this one:


Ciclo Solar

Remember cosmic emanations are accelrated and we are still living ahead of time, so that in order to vibrate synchronizing it’s a matter of mixing emanations from the present phase with the next one simultaneously. Here in the South we are crossing Germination and the next one is  Growth; to the North, they are crossing Balance and the next one is Appeasement.. It’s all about living Natural Multidimmensionality as Fractals.


Souther Hemisphere:

Solar Cycle Phase/ Vital Emanation: Germination

Germinación | Germination www.losbosques.netNavigation: Kingdoms of Air, middle point between Germination and Growth

Forces and Potencies: Humidity

Servicios - Services | www.losbosques.netLife Planning: We have seen the first fruits of our effort, we know what emerged in our lives, we have the adjustments to insure we are going towards our horizon, and now we are going to apply it so next phase (Growth) we can feed them.

Dorkhyt: Synchronization with three slow breathings and let breadth flow; Evocation early in the morning looking for your own emanation.

Los Bosques already made adjustments ordering and expanding its Services


Incubating LifeHemisferio Norte:

synk-balanceSolar Cycle Phase/ Vital Emanation: Balance

Navigation: Kingdoms of Earth, middle point between Balance and Appeasement

Forces and Potencies: Dry

Life Planning: Harvest is over, the walked paths were thought of, you looked whereby you came for and where you are going to. In Transition to Next Solar Cycle (with downloadable guide) you may continue the path to build life synchronizing to worlds.

Dorkhyt: Synchronization with your own breadth through 3 slow breathings and 4 sighs; Evocation at dusk calling yourself.


Ciclo Lunar

Southern Hemisphere: Moon of the Encounter

Northern Hemisphere: Moon that speaks fromm the Origin

Channels in both hemispheres: Magnetic Fluids


Lunar Month

New: Sunday, October 18, 05:33 UT (01:33 Bolivia)

Waxing: Monday, October 26 00:42 UT (Lunes, octubre 25 20:42 Bolivia)

Full: Monday, November 2 19:14 UT (15:14 Bolivia)

Waning: Monday, November 9 15:56 UT (11:56 Bolivia)

Source: U.S. Naval Observatory


The Lunar Month will bring what we have not seen, what we have so so forgotten, so much that it will seem incredible, ‘for the first time’… but we know there is nothing new under the Sun and we already lived tomorrow. This Moon, receiving the emanations from Solar Giants to transfer it to us, becomes the System’s axis through which magnetic energies cross worlds.

You will feel them in the acceleration of your days, the accelerated actions you carry out, in the accelerated successive events, in you emotions that accelerate possibilities. But above all, you will feel thos energies crossing or something attracting you to another place, sensations to go to another place.

Oráculos - Oracles | www.losbosques.netQuienes ya han vivido esto, encontrarán portales allí donde no imaginaban que podían existir y quienes todavía no recuerdan puede que los encuentren. Estarán de moda en las noticias que atraviesan fronteras, bajo ese nombre, como agujeros negros, agujeros de gusanos y otros.

In Oráculos you will find options to glimpse into your worlds – Cross Portals – if you are already running out to find them and can’t wait to experience them yourself.


May You Live Your Multidimensionality!


In Los Bosques you can synchronize to your cycles, worlds and yourself  starting your reactivation now, remembering our  forgotten history and requesting your Dorkhyt to remember who you are and which your life purpose.

Las Pichitankas
