Landing with the new Lunar Month (11AGO-09SEP),
ingressing New Moon and minutes before her
the Solar Partial Eclipse.
Lunar Phases (UT):
11 AUG 09:58 New Moon
18 AUG 07:49 Crescent Moon
26 AUG 07:49 Full Moon
03 SEP 02:37 Waxing Moon
Eclipse: Propagating Replacements
On its timeline it substitutes the way
to transmit with high impact; it was
born putting television sets in homes.
See more about its history and energies,
or, its data, times and visibility,
and, how to remember its returns.
Solar Phase: Springs of Purity
While propagation mutes ways,
territories we are crossing restore
molecular purity, even for thoughts.
Heliocentric Tides: Channeling Mutations
Meanwhile, three pairs nourished by the Galactic
Center interact. Chiron-Pluto blow mutations;
Neptune-Venus fecundate new ways.
The Earth (us) and Uranus channel this
cycle’s mutations on the timeline of
of Propagating Replacements.
Geocentric Tides: Change of Pace
On the Earth (us), we focus on complaining
for changes of pace by the apparent
interaction of Venus, Chiron and Saturn.
The optical illusion of six retrograde planets
will be blamed, but they are new cycles. And,
this will make many miss incoming mutations.
Sensations and Emotions: Blinded and Suspicious
Perceptions will be somehow blinded
if it’s about changes, replacing
them with suspicious emotions.
Synthesizing, Lunar Month tides bring
deep changes at the molecular level and
in ways used till now to transmit.
Altered rhythms require twice the effort,
producing lots of rejections.
The key is to let go. The era was and
this is already another one.
The other key: beware even of the
smallest thought for it will
expand from the molecular level.
One other key: channel your mutations
to customize, so they come not done,
and may answer your needs and wishes.
It will be interesting to identify
incoming changes for societies
and how they propagate now.
We will be back for the Full Moon.