Soon we will be rocked by the new Lunar Month’s tides.
Phases of the Lunar Month (UT):
10 JUN 10:53 New Moon and Solar Eclipse
18 JUN 03:54 Crescent Moon
24 JUN 18:40 Full Moon
01 JUL 21:11 Waning Moon
Activated in a new level by eclosions from Lunar Eclipse (26MAY2021).
Replicating, multiplying replicas and even replicants with the Solar Eclipse (10JUN2021).
These are the two stages from ongoing eclipses.
Here you will find general data and visibility for next eclipse.
And here the patterns of Replicas in History.
We will continue to move forward at the speed of light due to transfer in this Solar Phase.
Although we are already settling in tomorrow, we will still be rocked in the present by heliocentric tides coiled in two senses.
One, replying for carelessness, omission and negligence (Venus, Uranus, Jupiter); the other one shaping perfect replicas against reductions, absences and scarcities (Venus, Chiron, Mercury, Earth).
In order for replying not to devour efforts, an ‘enough’ will suffice and concentrate efforts in having required replicas which will make up for what’s necessary (conjunction Mercury-Earth).
Not easy at all in full speed towards tomorrow without looking at the present, more so with geocentric tides manifesting what was not said (Neptune, Mars, Lilith), what has been caused (Pluto, Neptune, Lilith), besides shortsightedness defending shortages and objecting solutions (Mars, Pluto).
Sensations will be the key to decide what we need and what will only be a waste of time, as well as emotions, instead of heated reactions, the option is calm and passion to create tomorrow without scarcities.
We will be back soon.