Arriving a little late already under the influence of the New Moon.
Phases of the Lunar Month (UT):
07DEC 07:20 New Moon
15DEC 11:49 Crescent Moon
23DEC 17:49 Full Moon
29DEC 09:34 Waxing Moon
The New Moon enters filling with Sensations of Despondency and Emotions of Sorrow whether what was sought was achieved or not.
A matter of tides and not of results.
They are part of Going Astray in the Route (Geocentric Tides), due to staying on shape shifting tides from last Lunar Month that already were.
It’s the apparent conjunction Mars-Neptune and their triangulation with Saturn and Venus attracting into the depths in pursuit of reversion.
In fact, transformations already came to be, now dispositions are Tying The Times (Heliocentric Tides).
Jupiter along on one side with Venus and Uranus tie with gilded fibers the milestones marking another course for the times.
And, on the other side, along with Mercury and Chiron giving to the times the seal with their own identities.
The tying will be present for the Full Moon and beyond.
Scaling through milestones, courses are redirected towards what’s coming and not what was, jumping from Vortex to Vortex (Solar Phase) until we find ours.
Above all, marking a ‘before and after’.
There will be contradictory tides, despondency only if looking into the past, the force returns once again making footprints into the future.
If despondency arouses, remember we already lived this… and we are still here.
It was during the last quarter of year 2000 and first quarter of 2001.
Marking footprints with the eclipses of Preservation and Allied Transfers returning again on the 6th and 21st. January 2019 respectively.
On the first one see here its historical patterns, and on the second one they are coming soon.
And we will also be back soon.