English Luna Moon

New Moon 27 June 2014 The Swift Pirouette

Lunar month sitting us with the future we wished for

Ciclo 11 | Vuelo 1 | Día Solar:  5 | Día Lunar:  29 | Gregoriano: 25/VI/2014

Drawn in Heavens (signs): The Ship, many moons have gone by and we still do not know what it is, perhaps mystery will reveal

Dispositions from the Solar Giants (heliocentric, tides impregnating us): The Swift Pirouette, a 180º turn that will sit us down with our wish, there in the future we wanted. It has already arrived.

Dispositions seen from Earth (geocentric, what we see around us): Rejection, for no one wishes to leave the comfort of habits nor the perfidy of neglect

Lunar Month 27 June – 25 July (our sensations): Perplexity, this was neither programmed nor allowed or accepted. It was fiction, legend, imagination… but it’s sitting with us

Emanations from the Moon (our emotions): Distrust, because it’s so good to be true it scares or because the unknown terrifies us

Lunar Phases: New Moon 27 June 08:09 | Crescent Moon 5 July 11:59 | Full Moon 12 July 11:25 | Waning Moon 19 July 02:08  (Times are in UT-Universal Time)


Greetings, peaks and mysteries.
Already with a new lunar month on our chirp
and stirring up sloths with the wings.

Three waves brought us here:

Pulses impregnating us with eras de-materialized
Jupiter tucking us in with uncertainties until August
The last solstice waking up mysteries


And while Jupiter plays with us disrupting dusty logics,
settled down habits and theoretical neglect and theoretical neglect,
the veil of mysteries is lifted and perplexity is served.

The rest of the giants bathed by uncertainty have doubts even of their eyes,
they do well, for nothing is what it seems and what is goes unseen;
so does mystery, and what is seen is not mystery but oblivion.


Cliches will resist: ‘but I thought that’, ‘that’s not right’,
‘that’s not normal’, ‘they taught me different’, ‘no, just in case’;
that’s the collateral effect from Jupiter and Mercury preparing the Swift Pirouette.

A 180º shift, very fast, we could feel it, but there will be no time,
the pirouette will sit us down to share with mystery, oblivion and perplexity.
No time even to realize we are in the future we wished for.

But, we have arrived, and it’s better than we expected.
Without a process, no requisites and the bag is full.
May we let Jupiter wink at us his pirouette!

Angers, Jardin des Plantes "femme caressant une chimère" bronze de Dénéchau

When the lunar month ends, perplexity will become an anecdote,
mysteries in daily life and legends in certainties.
Quickly we will start living with mystery as the skin.

From Earth, where we insist to live what it seems and not what it is,
rejection will spread and distrust towards the unknown, the challenge to move on.
No shortage of comfort in habits driven by perfidious neglect.


There is no time to loose, no new power has the force to stop the swift pirouette,
it comes from other heavens and possession attacks don’t even dream of it,
ages have moved, habits are worn out and the script was erased.

The gate opened with solstice and mystery came through.
Giants with a wink and a swift pirouette give away the wish.
Fortunately, distrust and theories always stand too small before reality.

May the 180º pirouette wink at your wish and may the mystery be in you!

*Click on images to go to sources