English Moon

New Moon 24 January 2020

We bring the Lunar Month (24JAN-22FEB) with seasonal change.

Phases of the Lunar Month (UT):
24 JAN 21:42 New Moon
02 FEB 01:42 Crescent Moon
09 FEB 07:33 Full Moon
15 FEB 22:17 Waning Moon

Major tides still inaugurating us into the Synodic Cycle of Saturn and Pluto with new autonomous guidelines for societal rules, in conjunction last Full Moon (10JAN2020).

After them, realities from two eclipses, Exclusions (26DIC2019) and Exterminations (10JAN2020) deciding who can play and who is out of the game.

The major event is the change of season in the Wheel of Life, Southern Hemisphere regenerating Fall and Northern fecundating Spring.

On the calendar, next Equinox (20MAR2020), but it’s now they are engendered.

Until then and on this specific Solar Phase, we will cross sidereal lands of colossus, procreating like them or drunk with their power.

By heliocentric tides we will be pushed to command, that’s the role established for Earth in the Solar neighborhood.

Command fecundating or regenerating, making, creating, building. Other combinations, as order or forbid, are realities eclipsed by exclusions and exterminations.

Geocentric tides will show around us apparent arrangements that can make us dizzy and worry in excess with what others are doing.

Apparently Chiron is conjunct with Lilith, and, Venus with Neptune, which make us suspicious and defensive. Neither are Jupiter, Mars and Mercury planning against you.

If your sensations do less than inspire your creation, they need to be reviewed.

Same as emotions, if you are not enjoying what you do, they need to be tuned in, more to yourself than to tides.

We will be back soon.