English Luna Moon

New Moon 21 April 2012 | The First Wave

The new Lunar month brings the new codes

Remember to read feeling not thinking

Ciclo 8 | Vuelo 23 | Día Solar: 300 | Día Lunar: 25 | Gregoriano: 15/IV/12

Under the wings we bring the new Lunar month starting April 21 at 07:18 UT, our peaks chasing the Journey Quests to go into its First Wave and with the Black Dragon Barge drawn in the skies to guide us until next Solstice.

Previous: New Moon March 22 2012 | The Courteous Gathering and  Full Moon April 6 2012 | The Quest Journeys

Dispositions from the Solar Giants > The First Wave
Everybody mobilized since last Lunar month on The Quest Journeys, now we find the First Wave bringing solar dispositions and giving new touches to the passage.

And behind, three triads weaving the First Wave:

  • The challenge woven on one corner by Uranus, on the other one Venus and Mars as one, and on the other Pluto and Mercury.
  • The Codes delivered by the Earth, Neptune and again Pluto with Mercury as one.
  • Doubled Forces with a triad of pairs: Saturn and Earth marking place and time, Venus and Mars bringing the complement, Pluto and Mercury commanding the First Wave reveal the codes.

In our daily lives, we will live the First Wave finding ‘virtually fiction’ situations (the challenge). After astonishment settles, knowing its causes and effects, we will know why they are present (the codes), besides knowing when and where we will find the required complement to reach what we are looking for (doubled forces).

Dispositions seen from the Earth > New Codes
We could see the First Wave from the planet, but we’ll be dazzled by the New Codes coming with it, we’ll even think the Sun took them away from the Moon in open battle with the help of Mars and changes from Pluto. Totally out of focus. To the point that we will be looking at the Sun to see what other strange things it brings, and we will miss those behind Mercury.

Translating this to daily life, we will take as personal actions from others thinking they are attacking us, in fact they are just consequences of new patterns under development with different origins and causes. Itś about knowing the New Codes before getting scared.

Remember during this Solar Phase cuerde que en esta fase solar “we shall decipher together the planet’s new codes,
see cities opening amidst the clouds and beings coming out of the caves.
), neither the Sun is fighting with the Moon, nor Mars battling, instead taking a walk with Venus.

The New Codes, beyond fiction and predicament, is a call to start re-drawiing ourselves, re-defining our cycles, understanding nature’s behaviour which is not ‘strange’ but it has changed, to re-locate our latitudes and find again our axis. And it’s just the beginning, for the Quest Journeys as well as the waves are just starting.


[one_third]Blue spheres fall…

[one_third]The pole moved…

[one_third_last]Huuuuuge holes…



Emanations from the Moon > Absent-Minded
Moon relations that subordinate her when she feels free and independent, do not let her see beyond her nose… beyond her roles are other, beyond many things happen that give her back the flight…but she’s searching how not to be anyone’s attachment among the millions and millions of history’s unwritten pages to see if she finds justifications… crashing against those trying to subordinate her… totally absent-minded from what’s going on around her, even her tides go up and down on their own. Without those distractions, she would find answers through the First Wave and on the New Codes her redefinition, free and independent… If we wouldn’t be so absent-minded…


[one_third]Hole in the sky…

[one_third]The Moon dissolves…

[one_third_last]A cloud falls…



We’ll be back for the Full Moon 😉



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