English Luna Moon

New Moon 20 January 2015 | The Amplified Connection

Lunar Month from January 20 to February 17 with amplified connection

Read feeling not thinking
Ciclo 11 | Vuelo 15 | Día Solar: 211 | Día Lunar: 27 | Gregoriano: 17/I/2015

Versión en castellano

[colored_box title=”Tides for this lunar month” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″]

Dispositions from Solar Giants (heliocentric, tides impregnating us): Amplified Connection
Dispositions seen from Earth (geocentric, what we will see): Connected Disconnection
Lunar Month November 22 December to 19 January (Our sensations): Disconnected
Emanations from the Moon (our emotions): Wandering
Moon Phases: New Jan 20 13:14 Crescent Jan 27 04:48 Full Feb 3 23:09 Waning Feb 12 03:50



Reminder of events

The Vertiginous came and when our axes stopped spinning,
we had already radiated the whole Solar System; planet, us and others.
We remained with a galaxy on the axis and light years away without moving an ounce.

In case someone did not notice, we were left with another agenda or within another agenda,
with the sensation of being disconnected and emotions wandering,
anxious to connect what is already connected.

Read previously Full Moon 5 January 2015 and New Moon 22 December 2014 The Amplified Connection

Such a swell could have swept the spectrum of transmitting signals:
everyone, all things, the planet included emitting…
connected with levels that amplify the connection, the conception and the notion.

Light years away. Not as distance, but scope. Not to the space but among spaces.
The Earth (us) along with Saturn, first with Mars, then with Venus,
triangulating twice the connection that amplifies the spectrum…


…of what we see, of what we do, of where we are…
…amplifying what we could conceive as well as what we can cover…
…life expands on us, her notion and her colours…

Geocentric: Connected Disconnection
In daily life, optical limitation reduces life to a space of only 60º
where we stretch Neptune, Chiron, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun and Pluto,
and of course if everyone is supposedly there, we would like to connect our disconnection right there…


…like a local network that was always connected only within the radius of its members
and suddenly its scope is amplified connecting it to the global network, space and beyond;
its members would like to be connected and will look to connect on their screen at any cost, but they already are.

A connected disconnection that has not realized yet it is already connected
in a 360º radius times three times three times three… amplified infinitely.


Sensations and Emotions from the Moon
The amplified connection is not about size nor volume rather expansion,
since we remained with a galaxy on the axis that we still cannot conceive
and as if we were light years away of everything when we have not moved,
sensations of being disconnected will predominate although we are connected.

If we have radiated the whole Solar System, much so to Doña Luna, she is so close,
we left her with hasty emotions, chasing as a wanderer what she already has but does not know,
those emotions will shower us now and we will go wandering after what we already have but do not know.


The key for not getting lost in the forest and being able to enjoy it is to be conscious
for we are the amplified connection and it radiated from us,
for the galaxy in our axis is our agenda light years away from narrowness.

*Click on images to go to sources

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Las Pichitankas

[colored_box title=”The Last Three Moons:” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″][/colored_box]

[colored_box title=”Las Tres Últimas Lunas:” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″][/colored_box]



Full Moon 5 January 2015 [/one_third]



New Moon 22 December 2014[/one_third]



Full Moon 6 Dec 2014[/one_third_last]

[colored_box title=”The last two eclipses still flowing through us:” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″][/colored_box]



Eclipse October 8 
Building blocks which
multiply in fractals
(just like a chain reaction)



Eclipse October 23 2014
Folds hiding parts
of reality without ceasing to exist
(naturally or by manipulation)


[colored_box title=”The Last Solstice:” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″][/colored_box]


The Vertiginous in Our Axes-  Solstice 21 Dec 2014