English Moon

New Moon 19 October 2017

Greetings, we bring the New Moon on the 19th at 19:12 UT.

Disturbances, anomalies and fluctuations in the planet,
solar neighborhood and beyond, intermingle habits and habituations
mixing the strings hanging our realities.

We are among strings, between those from past lunar month and this one’s,
between neutralization and empowerment from past eclipses
and, fusions and invisibility of the next ones (2018).

Between solar fluctuating dimensions and those of the next
solar phase incoming early and preceded by Pluto along
with Jupiter and Chiron bringing significant variations.

Among fluctuations and variations oppositions add up:
Earth and Uranus (conjunction) agree to launch new advances…
but, Jupiter and Pluto oppose them. Venus and Mars about to meet
are looking for agreements, but Neptune is opposed.

Strings are handled by Pluto, the Lord of Transformations,
announcing and propagating his plans with Neptune and Mercury,
although few of us will listen, busy struggling with tremendous anomalies:

Five consecutive days of electromagnetic storm, hurricanes with
new routes, fires devastating large extensions,
disproportionate floodings and the etceteras add up…

Begs the question: What are you doing?! Strings and tides
intermingled with fused times flow bursting in,
also in Earth, where scenes are solar and not earthling.

Sensations, as well as scenes, vary from second to second
flowing between certitude and uncertainty, emotions come and go
between temperance and lack of control. Remember:  the mix-up is not ours.

Navigate dancing, one step forward with temperance before certitude,
one step back before uncertainty avoiding lack of control.
Here the billboard of ties:

Solar Phase: Fluctuating Dimensions (22 SEP to 6 NOV aprox) and incoming prematurely the next one (7 NOV to 20 DEC aprox)
Eclipses Emanations: 2017: Neutralizing (7AUG) and Empowerment (21 AUG); 2018: Fusions (21 JAN) and Invisibilities (FEB 5)

Dispositions from the Giants (heliocentric): Irruptions
Dispositions seen from Earth (geocentric): Oppositions

Sensations: between certitude and uncertainty
Emotions: between tempered and out of control

Phases for the Lunar Month (UT times):
OCT 19 19:12 New Moon | OCT 27 22:22 Crescent Moon
NOV 4 05:23 Full Moon | NOV 10 20:37 Waning Moon