English Luna Moon

New Moon 17 August 2012 | Interruptions

The New Moon comes full of interruptions, we go beyond reflections and appearances

Read feeling not thinking

Ciclo 9 | Vuelo 4 | Día Solar: 54 | Día Lunar: 27 | Gregoriano: 14/VII/12


Greetings. Although the Lunar month does not start until Friday 17, we are late. It’s a matter of times running like crazy, we are running behind them so they do not leave without us literally. They are much more than sensaitons, they are realities running us from unseen worlds and when they reach our eyes they are already the past.

During this Lunar month an expansive wave coming from afar penetrates, starts intercepting our frequencies (New Moon) and then, broadcasts conversion (Full Moon). We, returning from Going Astray (last Full Moon) still without much understanding of where we went and less what we brought from there, will have to live Interruptions.


Drawn in heavens: Intercepted Radar

Since New Moon (July 19), heaven undraws and draws again every two weeks, and it will be so until next solstice, announcing that many abrupt, rough and deep changes are coming with times running faster than usual.

The New Moon comes under the drawn Intercepted Radar. A radar that stands as a symbol for anything that sends signals and receives waves, whether they are natural or produced. Remember stones also act as radars, receiving and sending electromagnetic an other waves, and what you have closer with a radar or antenna is your cellphone, you can start adding other artifacts. By the way, we are also a sort of radar or antenna.



Dispositions from the Solar Giants: Interceptions
We come from those worlds we did not see but were there, we had to go astray in order to see them and return with a load (see the last flight from Las Pichitankas), we were starting to digest all that when we are intercepted by frequencies coming from afar.

Arranged in a sustaining geometry, Solar giants broadcast a new frequency that intercepts ours when they meet (planetary, territorial, locla, individual, structures, artifacts; the frequency of frequencies under which we fluctuate).

It’s all done with great care, so as not to repel each other or unconfigurate all that is flowing; however some discharges, short circuits, neutralizations, sparks, saturations, blockings, overcharges. After this you can deduce we will not miss unsusual discharges in weather, nor in electric stations, artifacts, computers and programs sustaining those networks. It will not be until the Full Moon when the frequency beams among us, now it only intercepts frequencies running around.

Uranus and Venus come from a conjuction, they prepared the new transmitters (with Reverse Magnetization that the Transit of Venus left us 6 Jun). The new frequency is beamed by Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. The one flowing is intercepted by Jupiter, Mars and Meptune. And the mew frequency is protected by Neptune, Venus and Pluto.



Dispositions seen from Earth > Interruptions
Interceptions emanated form the Solar system, manifest among us as Interruptions through the interactions among Saturn, Mars, Pluto and LIlith, affecting the energetic flows in daily life.

Examples: a market, where exchange to acquire products creates waves on which depend its running. Or, the movement of money in banks, services, transport, and of course electrical artifacts, but also keep an eye on water currents and weather ones.

Along with Interruptions, there is a current that in the middle of unstable situations is already giving shape to new energetic flows that will manifest only within two months (Venus, Neptune, Saturn and Mars).

During the next two weeks, alternatives will be discussed. For example, we can take a look at the biggest energetic flow at  the global level that at the moment fluctuate without finding stability: economic and financial systems.

Add to this Interruptions that will produce significant fluctuations that will translate in unforeseen factors (Venus, Uranus and Pluto), instabilities (Neptune, Lilith, Sun, Moon) and disclosures (Moon, Sun. Lilith, Venus).

Interruptions will be many and trying to cover on a single panorama of all flows and fluctuations unleashing on the outside world is much much more than looking for a needle on a haystack, besides not taking into account that out there we only see the refelction of what happens previously in unseen worlds. We look at the consequences not relaities. We see shapes produced by energies somewhere else. We are before consequences caused in unseen worlds that during the present Solar phase (Aug7-Sep21) will be clarified in dormant memories. Consequences from Life Geometries that arrive into this world refracted and in this link you can read more about them.



Emanations from the New Moon > Appearance of control in the midst of disorder
The Moon looks everywhere and needs more eyes to look at everything. Feels her control is getting out of control, irritated stepping into swampy soil, impotent to see her flows interrupted… but she will be prudent, she will not jump into the river.

After she flies off the handle, by herself and silenced shouts, she will decide to appear in control of the situation and look for alternatives. Maybe too early for that, while processes do not unleash until the Full Moon, it will be in vain to deviate the Milky Way. May your control not be appearance and benefit from the interruption as an ideal pause to reduce our dependence levels.

We’ll be back for the Full Moon!

*Click on images to go to sources

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