English Luna Moon

New Moon 11 January 2013 | Cleverly Free

Under the New Moon we’ll look at life from other angles

Read feeling not thinking
Ciclo 9 | Vuelo 14 | Día Solar: 204 | Día Lunar: 28 | Gregoriano: 09/I/2013


Versión en castellano


This Lunar Month keeps on turning with the Giant Wave, specifically on its ebb and still removing things and placing them on other times and spaces. Meanwhile, we will look at life from many other angles. Read previously:  Full Moon 28 December 2012 | New Cohesion Axis


Drawn in Heavens > The Giant Wave

The Giant Wave also remains drawn until next Solar Phase starting on February 3. In consequence, the suspension continues while we try everything but do not achieve it for the new conditions have not settled yet

Otros Ángulos: Panorama en 360° del Cielo en el Sur
Other Angles: 360° Panorama of the Southern Sky


Dispositions of the Solar Giants > The Ebb

Solar Giants channel the ebbs of the Giant Wave still in suspension and looking for the new Cohesion Axis among a wide range of possibilities (Earth, Saturn, Uranus).  Until the new Cohesion Axis settles, possibilities will be elusive. Instead of waiting, we have to follow the iinfluences coming from Jupiter and Venus which light up the spark to adequate each possibility into our roads as well as that of Pluto and Mercury in conjunction revealing the scope of each possibility.

 Otros Ángulos: Zeta Oph

Other angles: Zeta Oph

Dispositions seen from Earth > Other Angles

Limitless possibilities and forces from the new Cohesion Axis, which still are ebbs, on the Earth manifest as new angles to look at life (interactions among Jupiter, Venus and Saturn); besides the influences to focus on some angles more than others where the hidden is revealed, still receiving the emanations from the Three-Phase Waves (Saturn, Moon, Sun, Lilith), as well as possibilities taking us on a quantum leap for conditions (Saturn, Moon, Sun, Uranus). In daily life, ways of life acquire other dimensions even if they do not change place, and what changes place show other angles that we would not even have imagined without the boost of the Giant Wave.

Otros Ángulos: Estrellas en Formación
Other Angles

Emanations from the Moon > Cleverly Free

Last Lunar Month, the Moon had a glimpse of her destinies and infinite paths. For this one, they are too small, too tight. She feels limited and runs away. On the road angles change and makes hers all possible possibilities. Almost unconsciously walks being cleverly free, she feels herself, so in spite of surrounding uncertainty it’s possible to make hers any possibility. She does not know, but she will be cleverly free.

May we be free from all angles!


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