New Moon tides already entered, very eclipsed and scattering questions on the air.
Phases of the Lunar Month (UT):
04 NOV 21:15 New Moon
11 NOV 12:46 Crescent Moon
19 NOV 08:58 Full Moon
27 NOV 12:28 Waning Moon
Ongoing eclipses: one, decretes realities (19NOV) and the other one, opens grooves impressing (04DEC).
The Solar Phase scatters questions on the air, not about questioning, rather chasing information.
Heliocentric tides push forward ingeniously with that information (conjunction Uranus-Earth).
Geocentric tides manifest several meetings to ask, decree and impress (interactions Sun, Moon, Chiron, Pluto).
Sensations of ‘too little’ settle in, maybe expectations are too high or answers are just a small thing.
Obstinate emotions on moving forward give no truce and inquisitiveness to go further will win. That’s no small thing.
We will be back soon.