Ciclo 6 | Vuelo 19 | Día Solar: 265 | Día Lunar: 27 | Gregoriano: 12/III/10
* Lea la versión en castellano aquí
Greetings and warbles! On the beak we bring the new lunar month that seems two, in the eyes the Equinox and in our wings the ‘Balance of the Eras’. Read, feeling not thinking, all herbs and spices for this unfolding stretch carrying us through space.
Southern Hemisphere: Harvest Moon | Vital Emanation: Gather
Northern Hemisphere: Dew Moon | Vital Emanation: Fruitful
Both Hemispheres: Breathing through perceptions
Lunar Month
New: Monday March 15 21:01 UT (17:01 BOL)
Crescent: Tuesday, March 23 11:00 UT (07:00 BOL)
Full: Tuesday, March 30 02:25 UT (10:25 BOL)
Waning: Tuesday, April 6 09:37 UT (05:37 BOL)
Source: U.S. Naval Observatory :::This Lunar Month comes as if it was two:
March 15 to 19: Dragging remnants of last Lunar month, resisting to start the new cycle, tension attracts old crunches left pending along the road. Lasts only 5 days.
March 20 to April 5: Equinox (March 20) subverts Moon’s emanations, as if it was another cycle and goes through us until leaving us ‘breathing through perception’.
In just a week, we are first revisiting old crunches that need sealing and then torn between resisting to leave that which we were fighting for and go ahead towards what is taking us into different roads.
How do you eat that? “breathing through perceptions” = “feeling not thinking”
Prejudice, prejudge and pressupose better left aside, do not go along, maximum they spatter and cloud realities. We come from an intense month that made us feel where life activates and where to apply our potentialities. Those days we’ll walk with that old crunch around, we will need all our efforts not to cover with mud what we achieved… after that it’s just a matter of listening before reacting; not thinking, but feeling following our perceptions, intuitions, sixth senses, the inner voice speaking, following your heart or whatever you want to call it.
Southern Hemisphere, do not rush to harvest everything you find along the road, no need to stockpile, breat and listen what you will need and to whom you have to deliver. In Northern Hemisphere, go out and look at your fruits appearing, as numerous as the intensity of efforts that sowed them, when you see them do not react impulssively, nor qualify or give them adjectives, value or ponder them, let your perceptions tell you what to do with them.
New Solar Phase, Saturday March 20, 2010, at 17:32 UT (13:32 BOL).
South, Autummn Equinox, and Vernal for the North
Southern Hemisphere:
Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: Balance | To synchronize click on link or left image
Navigation: Starting new Solar Phase this March 20 with Autumn Equinox, the ‘Dry’ driving us with equal proportions of Fire and Earth.
Life Planning: Life’s expansion in the Solar Cycle is over, now it’s time to harvest, pick up the walked path and distribute evenly to keep on going. Los Bosques promotes the Transition to Next Solar Cycle with a downloadable guida, in 8 steps, starting with the Autumn Equinox and finishing 5 days before Winter Solstice, including Dorkhyt’s use for those who have it.
Northern Hemisphere:
Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: Germination | Click on link or left image to synchronize
Navigation: Starting new Solar Phase, Moist driving us with equal proportions of Water and Air.
Life Planning: Once we took our first steps to reach what we want, we see our first fruits and it’s time to decide if we are in the right direction. Pay attention to what comes through your road these days, that will predominate in your life throughout the year. The key question is: what’s emerging in my life? And see if that is what we want, need adjustments or intensify because that is what we are or will be. See also Mother Nature in Vernal Equinox.
Dorkhyt: Sinchronyze with 3 slow breathings and let your breath flow. Evocation early in the morning looking for your own emanation.
Previous: Looking into the disposition of the heavens is to restitute unseen worlds remembering different roles we perform in the music of the spheres as vibrational keys, diverse as the life we are while we move through space, giving colors and shapes to our manifest worlds.
Drawn in heavens: ‘Traveling Spirit’ until March 19, starting on March 20 ‘The Open House’
Disposition for the Lunar Month: ‘Balance of the Eras’
Which has been taking shape in unseen worlds as a result of times (eras) and its movements (changes) is trying to adapt itself, that’s why the ‘Open House’ drawn in heavens, announcing the necessary disposition to navigate this stretch.
Saturn = Chronos = God of the Ages for the Greek, said yes to changes but without destroying and now in order to avoid seeing his work destroyed and confines of his territories calls Mars and Earth so together as a Triad bring balance to overflowings.
Uranus, keeping in his bosom the forgotten history wants space to reveal, together with Venus, Neptune, Chyron and Jupiter with the force of the eras returning. What goes too far, looses its road; what comes back over its steps to pick up its won, finds tomorrow. Looking the other way, where nothing presses or frown, a myriad of events shows us our other realities waiting for us.
Pluto, bringing us during the last cycles, the force of the Galactic Center, radiates the drops to awaken from the long dream of convenient truths so as to let life flow. Now, with greater intensity than in other periods, this Lunar Month changes must hurry up they are already delayed.
At the personal level, synchronize with the planet, She is balancing her movements and distributing forces, potencies and movements in equal proportions, try to see further than those ‘should be’ or what ‘someone’ decided so it should be, in order to reach your changes, apply your potentialities already awaken to look into your other realities and do not go too far redecorating the landscape for we carry our identities inside.
Social struggles in order to reach their goals will need to vibrate as the planet with a ratio of 3:6; in order to reach alliances it’s necessary for one to lean on three, yes the ratio is 1:3. Overflows will find many restrictions and cause greater damage than needed.
May Balance Find Us!
In Los Bosques you can synchronize to your cycles, worlds and yourself starting your reactivation now, remembering our forgotten history and requesting your Dorkhyt to remember who you are and which your life purpose.