Total Lunar Eclipse December 21 2010 UT (BOL 04:16:57)
The total phase still lasts 72 minutes:
- Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 05:29:17 UT
- Partial Eclipse Begins: 06:32:37 UT
- Total Eclipse Begins: 07:40:47 UT
- Greatest Eclipse: 08:16:57 UT
- Total Eclipse Ends: 08:53:08 UT
- Partial Eclipse Ends: 10:01:20 UT
- Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 11:04:31 UT
At the instant of greatest eclipse (08:17 UT) the Moon lies near the zenith for observers in southern California and Baja Mexico. At this time, the umbral magnitude peaks at 1.2561 as the Moon’s southern limb passes 2.8 arc-minutes north of the shadow’s central axis. In contrast, the Moon’s northern limb lies 8.1 arc-minutes from the northern edge of the umbra and 34.6 arc-minutes from the shadow center. Thus, the southern half of the Moon will appear much darker than the northern half because it lies deeper in the umbra. Source: Total Lunar Eclipse December 21 2010 NASA Eclipse Website
Partial Solar Eclipse Tuesday, January 4 2011 08:50:53 TU (BOL 04:50:53)
A partial eclipse will be visible from much of Europe, North Africa and central Asia. The penumbral shadow first touches Earth’s surface in northern Algeria at 06:40:11 UT. As the shadow travels east, Western Europe will be treated to a partial eclipse at sunrise. The eclipse magnitude from European cities like Madrid (0.576), Paris (0.732), London (0.747), and Copenhagen (0.826) will give early morning risers an excellent opportunity to photograph the sunrise eclipse with interesting foreground scenery.
Greatest eclipse occurs at 08:50:35 UT in northern Sweden where the eclipse in the horizon will have a magnitude of 0.858. At that time, the axis of the Moon’s shadow will pass a mere 510 km above Earth’s surface. Most of northern Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia also lie in the penumbra’s path. The citizens of Cairo (0.551), Jerusalem (0.574), Istanbul (0.713), and Tehran (0.507) all witness a large magnitude partial eclipse. A sunset eclipse will be visible from central Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and northwest China. The partial eclipse ends when the penumbra leaves Earth at 11:00:54 UT.
This is the 14th eclipse of Saros 151 (Espenak and Meeus, 2006). The family begins with a series of 18 partial eclipses from 1776 to 2083. The series began with a partial eclipse in the northern hemisphere on 1776 Aug 14. Source: Partial Solar Eclipse January 4 NASA Eclipse Website
These eclipses which are part of the 2nd and 3rd phase of the Anticipation Cycle of the Great Cycle , beyond considerations on how their influences can be interpreted depending on how you look at them, return with their peculiar energies which have already left footprints in their precedidng comings.
It’s possible to approach these energies following historical patterns on dates of return for the eclipses with their cycle, Saros series:
“The periodicity and recurrence of Lunar (and Solar) eclipses is governed by the Saros cycle, a period of approximately 6,585.3 days (18 years 11 days 8 hours). When two eclipses are separated by a period of one Saros, they share a very similar geometry. The two eclipses occur at the same node with the Moon at nearly the same distance from Earth and at the same time of year. Thus, the Saros is useful for organizing eclipses into families or series. Each series typically lasts 12 to 15 centuries and contains 70 or more lunar [or solar] eclipses.” Source: NASA Eclipse Website
Looking at the Saros cycle as a Wheel of Life, a complete cycle, inserting itself in times running with their own history, peculiarities and events, and in unseen worlds, it would be possible to re-write a longer history with periods of 12 to 15 centuries. We could also anticipate somehow events by looking back at historical happenings from the eclipse dates and putting attention on unfolding energies. It can also be applied to personal life, looking at the return years of a particular eclipse and which were the energies surrounding us.
Regarding the dates, we are not necessarily speaking about the same day the eclipse happens, it’s possible to consider a period of three months before or after. In astrology, some consider eclipses to have a lasting influence of six months after its occurrence.
For these two eclipses, these are the dates of their last four returns:
Lunar Total Eclipse December 21 2010: 1992 December 9 | 1974 November 29 | 1956 November 18 | 1938 November 7
Solar Partial Eclipse January 4 Enero 2011: 1992 December 24 | 1974 December 13 | 1956 December 2 | 1938 November 21
Walking through history with these dates, here go some patterns I found, which are just an approach, non exhaustive, of the most outstanding events I came across and that somehow are events that had influence beyond borders of where they happened. These patterns can be useful as an example so you can do the same with yourself and, besides that insert them in the conscious road through the Anticipation Cycle of the Great Cycle to act within your horizons.
- 1974 > The Watergate scandal was a 1970s United States political scandal resulting from the break-in to the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. Effects of the scandal ultimately led to the resignation of the President of the United States, Richard Nixon, on August 9, 1974. The affair began with the arrest of five men for breaking and entering into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate complex on June 17, 1972. Two reporters from the Washington Post, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, investigated to unravel a complex plot which pointed to the White House through the Commmittee for Re-election of the President Richard Nixon. Journalists received help from an anonymous source nicknamed Deep Throat whose identity was only revealed 33 years later after the scandal. In January 1975 John N. Mitchell, H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman were found guilty in the Watergate case. It also resulted in the indictment, trial, conviction and incarceration of several Nixon administration officials.
- 1992 Archives of Terror discovered by Dr. Martín Almada detailing the fates of thousands of Latin Americans who had been secretly kidnapped, tortured, and killed by the security services of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. This was known as Operation Condor. | Brazil’s president Fernando Collor de Mello is found guilty on charges that he stole more than $32 million from the government | Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom describes this year as an Annus Horribilis (horrible year), due to various scandals damaging the image of the Royal Family, as well as the Windsor Castle fire.
- 2010 Wikileaks releases cables from the USA diplomacy and…
Economic and Financial Crisis (on each year, the crisis is on its final stages):
- 1938 > The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s or early 1940s.
- 1956 > The Suez Crisis: Sinai War, also called Suez Crisis or Suez War (even Tripartite Agression) was a military conflict fought on Egyptian territory in 1956, with a military alliance of United Kingdom, France and Israel against Egypt. Considering the Suez Crisis as a financial crisis is explained in this document of the International Monetary Fund: Was Suez in 1956 the First Financial Crisis of the Twenty-First Century?
- 1974 > Stock market crash from January 1973 to December 1974, affecting all stock markets in the world, specially the United Kingdom. The crash came after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system two years before, associated with the ‘Nixon shock’ and devaluation of the American dollar under the Smithsonian Agrement. It was also related to the oil crisis in October 1973. A significant event in the recession of the 70s. In these dates, also the OPEC 5 months oil embargo ends from most nations of the OPEC against the United States, Europe and Japan.
- 1992 > On Black Monday of October 1987 a stock collapse of unprecedented size lopped 22.6 percent off the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The collapse, larger than that of 1929, was handled well by the economy, and the stock market began to quickly recover. However, in North America, the lumbering savings and loans industry was beginning to collapse, leading to a savings and loan crisis which put the financial wellbeing of millions of Americans in jeopardy. Nevertheless, for the next several years high unemployment, massive government budgetary deficits, and slow Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth affected the United States until late 1992
- 2010 > The financial crisis of 2007 to the present was triggered by a liquidity shortfall in the United States banking system. It has resulted in the collapse of large financial institutions, the bailout of banks by national governments, and downturns in stock markets around the world. In many areas, the housing market has also suffered, resulting in numerous evictions, foreclosures and prolonged vacancies. It is considered by many economists to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s; and …
Cambios de Rumbo:
- 1938: Holocaust Kristallnacht: In Germany, the “night of broken glass” begins as Nazi activists and sympathizers loot and burn Jewish businesses (the all night affair sees 7,500 Jewish businesses destroyed, 267 synagogues burned, 91 Jews killed, and at least 25,000 Jewish men arrested) | January 24 Chile earthqueake ‘Chillán’ witht 40,000 dead | Spanish Civil War, considered several times as the preamble of World War II, considering it was a test field for the Axis world powers, besides the outcome of main political ideologies of revolutionary and reactionary character, which were growing in Europe and would come into conflict a little later. On November 16 starts the Republican withdrawal and from that moment on, the access route to Cataluña was cleared. On December 23, starts the offensive on Cataluña and in April 1939 a press release issued by the Cuartel General of the Generalísimo announces the end of the war.
- 1956: On November 30 1956 the Uprising of Santiago de Cuba is produced organized by Frannk País. At the same time the yacht Gramma was supposed to disembark with 82 expeditionaries coming from Mexico, among which were Fidel Castro, Raúl Castro, Ernesto Guevara, Camilo Cienfuegos and other. But due to bad weather conditions it was delayed and arrived on December 2.
1974: In August 1974 the bodies of the first victims from Plan Cóndor, Bolivian refugees, were found in garbage dumps in Buenos Aires. On September 1974, in Buenos Aires, the retired general of the Chilean Army Carlos Pratts was murdered with his wife by a bomb. The first terror acts of Operación Cóndor or Plan Cóndor, the plan for coordinating operations among the dictatorial governments in the South: Chile, Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia, and with the CIA from USA, carried out during the 70s and 80s. In the framework of the Cold War framed within Latin America, many operations were established to disappear opposition leaders and use them as part of fear propaganda like in the Fenix Operation in Ecuador. A direct reference of these operations was the Nnight and Fog/Mist Decrete of Adolf Hitler. In 2007, Northamerican professor Patrice McSherry, from Long Island University, through a secret document of the CIA, dated June 1976, confirms the kidnapping and torture of Chilean and Uruguayan refugees in Buenos Aires. According to her, such plans emanated in the seventies from the Escuela de las Américas and the Conferences of the American Armies, through which the United States tought officers who received instruction there, “preventive” actions (tortures) in the region.
- 1992: 500 years from the arrival of Spanish to American territory (1492), official celebrations for October 12 become reivindications for the people throughout Latin America to restitute their rights, names, languages, identities and cultures, enarbolating sovereignty and self determination, social mobilizations start. | Rigoberta Menchú receives the Peace Nobel Prize | The Fedeeral Assembly of Czechoslovakia votes to divide the country in Slovakia and the Czech Republic starting January 1, 1993 | December 4 1974, USA troops disembark in Somalia that since 1991 was under civil war and reached 300,000 people dead from hunger
- A 500 años de la llegada de los españoles a territorio americano (1492), las celebraciones oficiales del 12 de octubre se convierten en reivindicaciones de los pueblos a lo largo y ancho de Latinoamérica para restituir sus derechos, nombres, lenguas, identidades y culturas, enarbolando la soberanía y autodeterminación, comienzan las movilizaciones sociales | Rigoberta Menchú recibe el Premio Nobel de la Paz | La Asamblea Federal de Checoslovaquia vota para dividir el país en República Checa y Eslovaquia a partir del 1 de enero de 1993 | El 4 de diciembre tropas de EE.UU. desembarcan en Somalia que desde 1991 estaba bajo guerra civil y llegó a tener 3000,000 mil muertos de hambre, situación que ni la operación de Naciones Unidas pudo manejar. En mayo de 1993 se retiran las tropas estadounidenses y son reemplazadas por una operación de Naciones Unidas | Prime Minister of Canda resigns among political and economic turmoil. Kim Campbell, his successor, becomes the first woman to be Prime Minister in Canada.
- 1938 > Herbert F. Copeland added a fourth domain, bacteria, to the taxonomy of the living world | Hans Spemann proposed the concept of cloning and insisted that cell differentiation was the outcome of an orderly sequence of specific stimuli, namely, chemical inductive agents, which were predominantly cyto-plasmic in operation | Einstein, Leopold Infeld, and B. Hoffman, in their theory of the interaction of point masses with gravity, showed that the laws of motion of such particles follow from gravitational field equations | Compton demonstrated that cosmic radiation consists of charged particles | During World War II, the British at Bletchley Park (40 miles north of London) achieved a number of successes at breaking encrypted German military communications. The German encryption machine, Enigma, was attacked with the help of electro-mechanical machines called bombes. The bombe, designed by Alan Turing and Gordon Welchman, after the Polish cryptographic bomba by Marian Rejewski (1938), came into productive use in 1941
- 1956: Wesley Clark, Ken Olsen, and Harlan Anderson finished a transistor-driven interactive computer, the TX-0, the ancestor of the Digital Equipment Corporation’s, or DEC’s, TX-2. In 1956, Nathaniel Rochester and John H. Holland published computer programs which simulated neural networks.
- 1974: Stephen Hawking proposed new Black Hole theory which ran counter to Einstein’s theory.
- 1992: CERN released to the public their hypertext for physicists, naming it the World Wide Web.
- 2010: Large Hadron Collider and …
Source: Science Timeline
While I write about these eclipses, an enormous flow of news continue to arrive on the number of people affected by rains in Australia, Venezuela, Colombia, Portugal, England, Bosmia, Albania, Serbia and Montenegro…, continue also the ‘talks’ of COP16 in Cancun that follows the COP15 in Copenhaguen and it’s in Copenhaguen where the greatest intensity of the January 4 Partial Solar Eclipse of 2011 will occur; but besides that, looking for patterns in history, in 1992, in Rio de Janeiro Brazil, a world assembly was held that will be remembered as the 1st Summit of the Earth ECO 92 and organized by the United Nations where global problems of environment and development were discussed.
Way back before that, at the beginning of the Wheel of these eclipses (Saros series) are the roots of all these energies:
Total Lunar Eclipse December 21 2010: the first eclipse was in July 7, 1163:
- The first stone of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is set by Pope Alexander III
- The Council of Tours: Albigensians are named and condemned as heretics
- Henry II receives refusal from Becket for punishment of clergy in secular courts
- The Almohads finish driving the Normans out of North Africa.
- King of Jerusalem launches an invasion on Egypt and gets as far as the Nile where he is turned back by floods
These facts unleash much more than this space could hold at the moment to weave the patterns of history, starting with the Crusades and following into the expansion of the Holy Roman Empire, going through the templars, the Holy Grail, the Inquisition, the black virgins and much more… Just around the Notre Dame Cathedral we can weave once more the whole history of our civilization, including the secrets still not revealed about its construction.
And finally, just name the event for it can be related by itself on the energies it triggers:
Partial Solar Eclipse January 4 2011: 1st eclipse was August 4 1776 > Consolidation of the Independence Revolution of the United States
A journey through history is endless as history herself that hardly finds a beginning or end, and constantly reveals something new. Even more if it’s following the patterns of history through the return of eclipses. I will return with more. In the meantime, may oblivion withdraw the veils.
Note: All the information included is available in Wikipedia, just put the name or date of the event to find it, except where a different source is given, for texts as well as images.
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