Ciclo 7 | Vuelo 3| Día Solar: 34 | Día Lunar: 14 | Gregoriano: 24/VII/10
Lea la versión en castellano aquí
Previous: Looking into the disposition of the heavens is to restitute unseen worlds
remembering the different roles we perform in the music of the spheres as vibrational keys,
diverse as the life we are while we move through space, giving colors and shapes to our manifest worlds.
Remember to read feeling not thinking.
Where are we in this wonderful adventure of living journeying space on a planet moving while recreating us?
We are oscilating among tides unleashed by Full Moon which will reach maximum intensity on July 25-26, depending where we are and submerging us under waves recycling us until August 9 to resume what we left pending in life and the eclipse from July 11 brings it back, while defining our role for next three years.
Hence, drawn in heavens is The Arch and Solar Giants disposed ‘The Protection Net’, inside of which all events will unfold, even our breaths.
Besides, in the South we are living again a cycle (Rebirth) and the North, expanding the cycle’s life (Reproduction).
That’s where we are.
And yes, also amongst many quakes and storms… yelling at us so once and for all we address how to live with them and not as their victims, same as with hunger that we look at with horror but do nothing about it.
Besides the waves of forgotten histories to remember who we are. Check the links further down of early manifestations from this Full Moon.
Those forgotten histories are shared by all of us, but we are also among our personal forgotten histories waiting to be re-written. When you are ready, Los Bosques will also be to join you in this other wonderful journey through your worlds to be yourself. A message to lp (at) is enough to start.
Vital Emanation for Lunar Month: Recycling
Lunar Month Dates
New: Sunday July 11 19:40 UT (15:40 BOL) and Total Solar Eclipse 19:34 UT
Crescent: Sunday July 18 10:11 UT (06:11 BOL)
Full: Monday July 26 01:37 UT (Sunday July 25 21:37 BOL)
Waning: Tuesday August 3 o4:59 UT (00:59 BOL)
Fuente: U.S. Naval Observatory
Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: Rebirth
Navigation: Kingdoms of Earth approaching Cold
Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: Reproduction
Navigation: Kingdoms of Fire moved by Heat
Drawn in heavens: The Arch
Disposition for the Lunar Month: The Protection Net
On this journey, drawn in heavens is The Arch with subtle and infallible movements, and Solar Giants turned the ‘Perforation in the Net’ through which our pending matters emanated, into the ‘Protection Net’.
There are Saturn and Uranus in their last encounter to give the Shifting Impulse that started in 2008. That is to say, we gave enough turns to find ourselves in new realities to adapt to our new sidereal home.
When we started this impulse, we reactivated the energies of the sixties, turning upside down what did not fit into the invented guide that dictated how to live life and life revolutionized showing herself without ornaments nor tags, giving free rein to possibilities.
But this impulse did not only give free rein to possibilities, it took the chisel and started sculpting on stones, many, realities made to measure for the amazement of those who learned to live without stepping out of the manual and the horror of those who lived at other’s expense making thoughts uniform… other worlds already are possible!
Encounters between Saturn and Uranus are quiet turbulent, to say the least. It’s a matter to hold on and wait for it to pass, later we will still be ourselves, here and anywhere.
The role each planet and other bodies perform in the Solar neighbourhood are important and will influence us one way or another, however before learning what each one will do, it’s better to put ourselves into our planet’s role in order to synchronize with the Cosmos, and so we will also listen to our role for the next three years.
The Earth in the Protection Net is the link generating the necessary bridges to reach or live our new realities, and in her relations she is the mediator of tensions to turn then into balances. In this landscape, our role already has bases: bridge creators and balancers.
Early manifestations of the Full Moon revealing forgotten histories:
Stonehenge was not alone and more circular constructions appear:
- Neolithic Henge found near Stonehenge
- Stonehenge ‘twin’ found: Archaeologists discover ancient wooden circle at famous site
- Stonehenge Had Neighboring, Wooden Twin—More to Come?
- Hallan nuevo monumento en Stonehenge
- Arqueólogos británicos descubren al ‘mellizo’ de Stonehenge de madera
We are old, but so old, we do not even remember how much:
Harmonies are always a dettachment from natural laws and here is one from the natural movement of life: spiral and applied to page design:
Quamtum physics explains life’s processes:
- Another Win for Quantum Mechanics: Passing the Triple-Slit Test
- Experimento de triple rendija confirma predicciones de mecánica cuántica
The music of the spheres in our ‘modern’ times remained as a ‘theory’ or ‘concept’, and is quickly related with mundane music… Pythagoras remained as his ‘inventor’, though truth is he had no such intention, but to explain essential natural laws and how life unfolds through them. Finally, scientists recorded the music of the Sun = music of the spheres, and there are so many of them that you can imagine all the concerts running out there, and they are endless.. Really worth to listen to this fragment of space audio:
Another sample of unseen worlds in seen worlds, thanks to Inductiveload
A diagram showing wavefunction of a quantum harmonic oscillator for energy levels n = 0 to 20. The probability density is shown by the colour, black is the lowest, white is the highest.
In this link you will also find the mathematical code to graph it
May the Full Moon bring back yourself!
In Los Bosques you can synchronize to your cycles, worlds and yourself starting your reactivation now, remembering our forgotten history and requesting your Dorkhyt to remember who you are and which your life purpose.
One reply on “Full Moon with Protection Net July 25|26 2010”
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ximena Eduarda and Mariano Luque, maria estela baez. maria estela baez said: RT @xeduarda: Los Bosques new post: Full #Moon with Protection Net July 25|26 #natural #cycles […]