2012 English Luna Moon

Full Moon March 8 2012 | The Sprouts and Solar Storm

Emanations from the Full Moon, Solar Giants and Solar Storm

Remember to read feeling not thinking

Ciclo 8 | Vuelo 20 | Día Solar: 260 | Día Lunar: 16 | Gregoriano: 7/III/12

Receive our running greetings, just like the Full Moon reaching its greatest intensity on March 8 at 09:39 UT, plus the last solar storm on our wings. Next twoo weeks will be that intense: dragged along by currents that give no time to decide the pace we want to apply and imposing rythms we did not know… like the Triadic Tone and its Sprouts.

Remembering the energies running us and which brought us here:

We are under a new solar ejection. This flight carries NASA images and at the end you will find links with information on this solar storm already reaching us. Next image is from January 2012, the rest are present days, March 2012.

Drawn in heavens: The Tug
Still drawn that ‘abrupt movement displacing a little what we consider immovable or imperturbable”

Dispositions from the Solar System: The Expansion
Remembering the Lunar Month from February 7 to March 18: “The Triadic Tone looks for its Expansion generating its own sprouts. That’s how life expands, not taking form others to grow, not ‘colonizing’, instead generating more life from its own”.

And for the Full Moon, the Solar Giants are still weaving the Expansion following the mandates of the triads:

Triad of Pairs > Temporary alliances although harbingers for Expansion: Earth-Mars The Action | Neptune-Chiron The Plans; the third one, Uranus-Mercury Self Identity, changed hands into Mercury-Venus linking that identity with the most outstanding sprout of the triad and emanating the whole month, as we will see now.

Three Triads of Sprouts > Life generated by the Expansion of the Triadic Tone reproduced by interactions among Jupiter Pluto Mars | Saturn Venus Chiron | Saturn Venus Neptune. Of these three, only Jupiter Pluto Mars is still emanating – which for the New Moon was also manifested from the Earth’s view and some references were given on its identity – and now creates a parallel triad unfolding from itself into Jupiter Pluto Earth hinting that this sprout is more related into the nature of things than into customs created by social groups, and considering it feels moving, probably its nature is genuine, spontaneous and a stranger to moulded and programmed worlds.

In the coming months, we will see how this sprout leaves a footprint that is not ‘the usual’ or ‘what it used to be’. At the communitarian level, positions not answering to the nature of things but rather to the convenience of systems could become obsolete. At the personal level, we will change the way we act, the objects we use, the way we relate. To be conscious of how we walk and act the next two weeks, will allow us to know the new sprout from the Triadic Tone in our lives, just as academics study social processes, study your own individual processes to identify who we are on each stretch of the roads we run through… we are many and very few consciously.

The Link > Mercury-Venus-Earth-Jupiter-Pluto in another aspect of their interaction are weaving the dwelling for the primordial fire of the Triadic Tone sprouts, where their essences will be anchored and will continue to emanate their singular existence for the times running our dimensions. From there, flows keeping exitences intertwined into the Triadic Tone and its sprouts primordial fire will come out. In daily life, links developing with circumstances, not new rather natural, spontaneous and with self identity will be the sign we are linked to the sprouts’ primordial fire.

Dispositions seen from Earth > The Sprouts

Here,on planet Earth, where we see what it seems like but not what it is, we see the three sprouts and their dwellings as if they were not very fortunate signs, almost fatalistic, influenced by fears spread by the millions.

Consumed our attention on violent, scornful and humiliating situations, few will see the sprouts arranging their dwellings among, through and within us. We will even blame the Moon for getting into Mars house, when we know their proximity is just apparent to our eyes and we will do the same in daily life, judging circumstances or persons based on appearances that are just that: what it seems to be.

But, if we free ourselves from pre-fabricated landscapes, we will be able to see the sprouts manifesting themselves in, through and around us. The one woven by Jupiter-Pluto-Mars was already mentioned. The other two come down from Venus-Jupiter-Lilith-Pluto and each one acquires its self identity depending on the fifth guest of the interaction.

If Mars is the one, it will be the sprout battling against what denies life, existences, what hides due to social conventions, that which needs to be without the disguise of prejudism (such as supossed enemies we never saw). They are new forms of life and new ways of life born by their own decision to be. In nature, we will see other species. In societies, we will ses new ways to coexist, co-habit or organize. At the personal level, we will see new patterns in our way of life that folds into the ones we already have, adapting to others or renewing them, or just adding up.

If it’s the Moon, it will be the sprout that gives us back sensorial capacities that were suppressed, although not abolished, in our life, like language without words, distance communication without mediating objects, the ability to understand and guide better the body we inhabit in this world, the return to sensitivity in order to interact with other worlds or invisible existences surrounding us, and countless more we would not finish listing or perhaps they are not on our minds yet. In short, it’s a sprout that adds sensorial capacities. Pay attention to headlines of scientific information and you will find the results of this sprout.

We will still trip with stubborn oppositions (Neptune-Chiron-Sun-Mars-Moon) and situations crossing our paths (Venus-Sun-Mars-Moon-Saturn). Before we let them drive us crazy, scared or prepare to attack, consider them us unforeseen events that will add something we forgot.

In any case, take a deep breath before acting and remember the Harmonization Triad is active, for the New Moon was acting on the Solar Giants’ vicinity (Venus-Mercury-Mars) and now manifest on Earth (Sun-Saturn-Pluto), all you have to do is look for the place of each thing, situation or conflict from which it transgresses no one and benefits everyone involved.

Emanations from the Moon > Consciously Moderated

The Full Moon is very anxious, restricting her tides to be Consciously Moderated since the New Moon has her about to explode.And the Sprouts have her agitated, she feels even more powerful and free, she likes the new dimensions, spaces and what they are creating with The Expansion.

The apparent proximity with Mars and earthly influences guided by appearances, put her belligerent. She is between moderating herself and running wild. If she moderates, she will be able to discharge all that energy on waterfalls of creativity that will allow her to generate her own sprouts. If she runs wild, chucking it all in to remain later crying by the river’s bank, she will have nothing else than regret for disguising with impulses that do not take into account consequences.

And with those intense, contradictory and euphoric tides she will bath us, leaving us the same emotions she has. During the last hours the intense waves form the Sun add up to the Moon’s euphoria, the Sprouts about to be born, giving them still immesurable forces, incresing considerably the intensities of the air we breath and ours.

Once again, breathe before acting and on every situation emerging, allow it to feed your sprouts generating as you read these lines. Or, while you breathe, take three minutes to walk consciously that you are walking, sensitive to the sensitivities of your sensorial capacities, old or new.

We will be back with next Lunar Month and another Equinox in our navigation on the planet around the Sun.



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