Ciclo 7 | Vuelo 6 | Día Solar: 91 | Día Lunar: 12 | Gregoriano: 19/IX/10
Lea la versión en español aquí
Previous: Looking into the disposition of the heavens is to restitute unseen worlds
remembering the different roles we perform in the music of the spheres as vibrational keys,
diverse as the life we are while we move through space, giving colors and shapes to our manifest worlds.
Remember to read feeling not thinking.
Vital Emanation for Lunar Month: The Burning Wave
Lunar Month Dates:
- New: Wednesday, September 8, 10:30 UT (06:30 BOL)
- Crescent: Wednesday, September 15, 05:50 UT (01:50 BOL)
- Full: Thursday, September 23 09:17 UT (05:17 BOL)
- Waning: Friday, October 1, 03:52 UT (Thursday, September 30 23:52 BOL)
Equinox: Spring in the South and Autumn in the North, September 23 2010 at 03:09 UT (september 22 at 23:09 BOL), starting the new Solar phase
Southern Hemisphere: Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: : Germination | Earth’s Navigation: Moist emanates Kingdoms of Water and Air
Northern Hemisphere: Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: Balance | Earth’s Navigation: Dryness emanates Kingdoms of Fire and Earth
Greetings on the Equinox from Los Bosques!
Drawn in heavens: The Fake Crown
Disposition for the Lunar Month: Intensities Naked
From the Sun: The Faces of the Triad | From the Earth: Manifested Hidden Natures
The Emanations of the Lunar Month in Our Lives:

This Lunar month we see everything through triadic dimensions (see last New Moon) and showing the three faces we are: 1) our role in current cycle, 2) potentiality we bring to regenerate life, 3) what we always were. For the Full Moon, the Earth manifests them and we do too.
We are also with the other mission of Earth, which walks unmasking and making our words reveal who we are. Certainly you’ve been seeing how others, maybe without noticing it, let see their natures in expressions read ‘between the lines’; now we know who they are and their intentions, and what’s more important, we are looking at ourselves just the way we are with amazement.
The triad revealing through our words from last New Moon (Sun and Moon, Neptune and Chiron, Uranus and Jupiter), for this Full Moon we see it with the eyes of the Earth showing confusing realities. Proximities apparently define new courses, but they are too temporary to define anything, they are just moments revealing how far we can go (Sun and Saturn, Mars and Venus, Moon and Uranus); another way to unmask who we really are and what we really want.
Another triad from last New Moon were the three groups with a revealing mission: the one removing the veil, the one challenging to give meaning to life with the role we have been assigned and a third one balancing the two other groups with the vibrations of Shifting Times. For the Full Moon this triad puts more emphasis on our role and the meaning of our life than in discovering what’s behind the veil, through the Moon that has moved from the first group to the second one, determined to make us act and stop being spectators of our lives.

Now the enduring Solar dispositions, but these with the eyes of the Sun and from his house, besides unfolding as life, looking back to be able to look forward. And for that the Coupling cycle is shown, the one we lived with Full Moon on June 26 2010 that also came with an Eclipse calling us to mobilization in order to synchronize with vibrations of Super Galactic Center (see more about that cycle here).
What do we find looking back? Emergencies that moved us and apparently were for our benefit, but real truth is they were to benefit others, who were looking to maintain control on our lives. Remember what hapened in those dates, and then look there signals showing you possibilities way beyond those emergencies, following dispositions from Mercury, Pluto, Saturn and Mercury.
Those same planets are currently telling us to look back, and then, see forward, be like Earth undergoing her Equinox, putting balance in her navigation to proceed, but also consolidating the new roles in changing times, for we are others and other worlds are already possible yes or yes.

While we look back to see forward, we will find many distractions, many calls playing with the conscience, subterfuges trying to deviate from our intentions to fulfill our role and not other people’s, events will unfold that supossedly take us to new emergencies to suspend our lives or delegate decisions… hold on to the Moon emanating defense baths, sustaining and decided to recuperate life. Recover yours or maintain yours as the Free Spirit you are.
Remember until September 30 there is 50% discount on sessions To See the Three Faces of the Triad and also for Dorkhyt. Click on link for additional information.
May Your Triads Walk with You!
In Los Bosques you can synchronize to your cycles, worlds and yourself starting your reactivation now, remembering
our forgotten history and requesting your Dorkhyt to remember who you are and which your life purpose.