English Luna Moon

Full Moon & Eclipse 8 October 2014 | Builders

Full Moon comes with the builders eclipse

Ciclo 11 | Vuelo 8 | Día Solar: 107 | Día Lunar: 12 | Gregoriano: 5/X/2014

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Equinox 23 September 2014 | Return to Sense

Dispositions from the Solar Giants (heliocentric, tides impregnating us): Lucidity Waves

Dispositions seen from Earth (geocentric, what we see around us): Rout

Lunar Month 25 August – 23 September (our sensations): Relief

Emanations from the Moon (our emotions): Sagacious

Lunar Phases: New Moon 24 September 06:14 | Crescent Moon 1 October 19:33 | Full Moon 8 October 10:51 and Lunar Total Eclipse | Waning Moon 15 October 19:12  (Times are in UT-Universal Time)

Total Lunar Eclipse: 8 October, reaching its greatest density at 10:54:36.2 UT and it’s part of the tetrad currently underway. Emanations bring Builders. See years of return in Eclipses 2014

Additional info in the following links: Full Moon and Total Eclipse 15 April 2014 | Eclipses 2014 | Tetrads by Periods | Sequential Code of Tetrads | Full Moon 9 September 2014 | Equinox 23 September 2014



Before entering the eclipse and its peculiar emanations,
here some of the other waves bathing us these days,
defying our lucid wits with nonsense.

Driven to return into sense with lucidity waves,
we witness the rout of nonsense in all directions
giving us a sensation of relief and putting us sagacious.

Lucidity comes from a triad: Chiron, Mercury and Jupiter,
the sense, two pairs in conjunction: Mercury and Chiron, Earth and Uranus.
Venus defies Uranus making lucidity and sense tense.

On Earth, we are witnesses or protagonists of the rout
with the leading roles of nonsense of Moon, Uranus and Sun,
though they might join Jupiter and Mars granting sense.


Distracted by this, we will not see what’s cooking behind the scenes,
forging hidden futures snatched from Uranus, Venus, Pluto and the Moon.
These are the manoeuvres taking advantage of the eclipse emanations.

Lunar, total, part of the tetrad and may it not be of ‘blood’
rather coppery, attracting builders we hope reach everyone
so we are not forged made to other’s measures with hidden interests.

Builders are energies to construct, edify, fabricate,
inside they bring forces that multiply when applied
in blocks and forge ahead, tomorrows and futures.


We could compare them with what is said on neutrons:
“mediators of chain reactions” although there is still lots
to know of both, but that does not prevent from building.

We do have an aspect on builders comparable to life.
They are engendered as life in invisible worlds, what they forge is not seen.
But they are crucial, define life and what we will see of them.

So, let’s edify with builders the tomorrows we wish.
And keep an eye, there are forgers edifying even with other’s future
entering manouevres given away by their justifications.


Like in 1275 when the energies of this eclipse started,
and in the name of proscribing usury, they proscribed origins,
triggering xenophobia and proscribing nothing for usury is still running.

King Edward I from England returned from crusades and with emptied chests,
facing rebellions and several military affairs on the agenda,
besides high indebtedness and financial ruins for the population.

Fortunes where i the hands of Jews who acted as moneylenders or bankers,
the soil was precious merchandise and mortgages sacked titles from almost everyone,
including the subjects of the monarchy and the monarchy without fortune was not such.

The Statutes of Jewry justified the necessity to make justice for the population
against the Jews, they could have been extraterrestrials or whomever had fortunes.
But usury did not stop; not then not now for any people.


That’s how justifications were built to legalize usury although officially it was proscribed.
That background is where it’s possible to look for builders or forgers of what we live,
for it may not always be in manipulated scenes, but surely decisive on the long term.

Some key personalities of that time: Marco Polo, Siger de Brasant, Roger Bacon,
Kublai Khan, Francisco de Asís, Ramón Llul, Alfonso X El Sabio,

Key works of that time: Book of Picatrix, Book of Knowledge of Astrology,
Lapidarious, The Secret of Secrets, the Book of Merlin.
Key words: bulder, forger, edifier, proscribed, background, manouever, reaction, chain, block


Tracking questions: Did Marco Polo really visit the Kublai Khan in 1275?
Which is the role of Franciscans at the time for they were everywhere?
The Book of Merlin appeared justifying what causes and for whom? If it was Merlin’s..

Questions on the returning years of the eclipse: What was building the cloning of sheep Dolly in 1996?
What was building the European Council in 1978 preparing the introduction of an improved monetary system?
What’s the background of the first contraceptive oral pill in 1960 and what did it guild decades later?

Today, what’s the background of Hon Kong protests?

May we be builders and not built!

*Click on images to go to sources