Arriving with the Full Moon (30NOV 09:30 UT) and minutes later the eclipse (greatest intensity 09:44 UT), but there is more tuning from the Solar Phase and other movements.
Tides from last New Moon (15NOV) came: “…tuning in senses, sensations and emotions in order to manage the reigning racket towards new norms of displacement, suspending and attributing here and there”.
This Full Moon anchors, sets, introduces rules of displacement from the last synodic cycle of the year between Jupiter and Saturn (1).
Two realities bring the two ongoing eclipses: one distributes attributions and the other runs suspending even breathing.
Heliocentric tides blow the support (2) that will make possible to anchor new rules of displacement.
They establish, integrate and consolidate as part of daily life. It will not be easy, they make space erasing and resistance wakes up (3).
Geocentric tides bring to light the support of new displacement rules (4) which we already feel in our own displacement, while societal functioning is connected to the dispositions of those three synodic cycles (5).
New rules of displacement are as evident as suspensions, equally notorious is the anchor that no day passes by without new suspensions, restrictions and prohibitions to our movement.
So much nonsense is loose that sensations resist, they suspect too much was not said and insist in erasing nonsense.
Emotions impulsive chase answers triplicating communications in case someone else has answers.
Answers we already have, though the noise from our verbosity make us deaf… yet.
If tides trace and rules deform, we know which ones to redraw.
We will be back soon.
(1) In year 2020, there were three synodic cycles, following the conjunctions among three giants in the solar vicinity, signaling changes for the next decades in the skeleton of what we call ‘this world’:
10ENE Saturn-Pluto, 37 years, new exchange templates
31JUL Jupiter-Pluto, 12 years, change the energy moving it all
02NOV Jupiter-Saturn, 20 years, new rules of displacement
(2) Venus continues commanding, and, is the support along with Uranus, Earth and Mercury, plus the anchor in the interaction among Venus, Chiron, Earth, Jupiter and Saturn.
(3) Interactions of Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn.
(4) Interactions of Venus, Chiron, Lilith and Sun.
(5) Interactions of Mercury, Neptune, and what appears to be from the small window the conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto.