Read feeling not thinking
Ciclo 9 | Vuelo 11 | Día Solar: 161 | Día Lunar: 15 | Gregoriano: 27/XI/12
Greetings. Against internet failures, blackouts and all odds we have arrived. Here the emanations for the Full Moon and the Partial Lunar Eclipse reaching their intensities this November 28.
Drawn in Heavens > The Archer
The arrow activated with the new Solar Phase (Nov 8), fired on the Nov 13 New Moon, continues course, while heavens draw The Archer, calling our attention to who fired the arrow, rather than the arrow or its flight.
Look at the Archer to know who propitiate changes, which changes or who are distorting changes, before running blindly behind The Arrow or ride on the Giant Wave just because others do, paying attention to where and what for are energies surrounding us are redirected, using our own discernment, where the figure might not be an archer or have a different meaning in our context.
From Greek mythology, the Archer is drawn as the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, and he is a centaur. And centaurs have a cloudy and shady written history in the small pieces including them. Mentioned as a people from Thesalia in Greece, although as ‘monsters’ half human and half horses, besides attaching to them a wild and violent nature; but there is another centaur, Chiron, which they turn ‘good’ for his great healing capacities and somehow they are able to separate him from the other centaurs by non explained origins. He was called Toxon by the Greeks from the word Taxus, root meaning also yew, the tree from which they made bows, or toxicon which means ‘poisoned arrrow’. Sagittarius was Crotos, a satire spirit who treated the muses on Mount Helikon, hunter, ‘inventor’ of the arch and they rhythm accompanying music, pulses which give life. Heraclitus associated the arch (biós) to life (bíos): “The arch has the name bios, life; its work is death”. Source: Constellation of Words

Territories where La Paz and Ouror stand now, the space section known as Sagittarius and Scorpion in the zodiac, do not have a centaur but a ‘llamero’ (llama shepherd) and the arch is a sling, both related to the Legend of the Mururata. The llamero, who has on top of his head the ‘stars sling’ (Warawar-korahua in Aymara, where Scorpion is) happens to be a special envoy from the Sun (Willka) who comes to punish Mururata’s arrogance , who was ready to finish the Sun for stalking his mother, the Mama Pacha. She, tired of the Sun’s persecution who dried a lake when she was about to dirnk, called her two children: Mururata and Illimani, to take revenge. The envoy received orders to punish Mururata and shooting the sling with a stone beheads the snowcapped mountain.

In subsequent events to the beheading, the envoy causes a geological reconfiguration and a different cycle: Mururata’s head ends up in Oruro as the Sajama, and since then the Mururata is smaller than Illimani, its hear is relocated in Llocolloco, its bowels configured the condoriri snowcapped mountains (behind Zongo, Huayna Potosí) and the Sun fecundated the Pacha, so she gave birth to his sons, the Yungas. Illimani was rewarded letting the sunlight come up behind his three peaks and at night to receive the sling turned into stars (Scorpion).

As to the space reconfiguration, the sun placed the sling crowning the ‘llamero’ (Scorpion) who is driving the llamas in the Milky Way and the stone was placed on the sling’s buttonhole, naming her as Kori-Kala (Antares, the heart of the Scorpion), the llama who carried the envoy was placed near the Warawara jawira (stars bridga, which is the Milky Way) and can be seen by her eyes which they called Kargua naira (Alpha and Beta from Centaur, or Rigil Kenturus and Agena). Beside her, is the lake or fountain the Sun dried, Chiar Khota (black lake), known in astronomy as the Coal Sack. On Sagittarius, its named as Wara-thaja (stars tangle), and the Corona Australis stands out as Laika-pillu, which means Enchanted Crown or the Witches Crown. Source: Delfín Eyzaguirre S.: “Astronomía Aymara” en La Enigmática Etnoastronomía Andina, Taipinquiri, La Paz, Bolivia 1995
Dispositions from the Solar Giants > The Giant Wave
The wave accumulating forces from the Arrow fired by the New Moon, dissolved unions, created new ones and specially melted numbness on frozen moments.
For the Full Moon, the wave will embrace us with its flux and reflux, of water and of air, swallowing minor resonances through the joint action of Mercury, Saturn and Mars, taking all that is lagging, or turning around and around without solution, all that has no force to be transformed, will just be swallowed in other times and spaces.
The Earth in the Solar System is in conjunction with Jupiter, Lord of Lightning, until December 6, irradiated and irradiating at the same time the forces of the Giant Wave, which will translate in a range of charges, recharges, discharges and overcharges, disturbing the spectrum of flows and fluids, but at the same time impregnating them with the Giant Wave resonances. Pluto and Saturn received the orders from the Giant Wave and they are reordering spaces and times. Agendas will be mixed up and will require re-configurations.
Dispositions seen form Earth > Three-Phase Waves
On Earth, the Giant Wave will reach as Three-Phase Waves, that is, as three alternate flows unfolding on the same space but at three different times, following the emanations form a Triad in conjunction (Jupiter, Lilith and the Moon): first, we will see arbitrary and contrived ‘conductions’ revealed, then we will see those spaces where they emerged reconfigured, and finally we will feel as if those ‘conductions’ that seemed foreign really affected us too.
Chiron (the Centaur), along with the Moon and the Sun, will triangulate charges from the eclipse with the mission to redirect them towards resonances the Giant Wave is adopting on its way, within the framework of the eclipse emanations on November 28, which will become the space and times for the coming solstice.
Mars in conjunction with Pluto, and interacting with Uranus and Venus will show us here on Earth the range of charges recharges, discharges and overcharges, disturbing spaces with obstructions, the unexpected and alterations.
Emanations form the Eclipse> Inductions
Eclipse from Saros 145 family returns with Inductions emanations which were first unleashed in 1832, causing on its way the fragmentation of realities through the reconfiguration of energies, redirecting them with electrical charges which program them to accomplish specific goals.
Chasing cyclic patterns of this eclipse, Inductions unfold through Electromagnetic Inductions which since 1832 with Faraday’s Induction Law allows to visualize electric and magnetic fields, to conduct energies later and apply them on devices and systems that reconfigured our societies. Read more here: Eclipse 28 November 2012 | Cyclic Patterns
In the context of the Full Moon, Inductions are the Archer’s intentions deposited on the tip of the arrow, which is now the Giant Wave’s crest and is reconfiguring resonances, reconducting energies into other times and spaces.
Additional information on time and visibility in: Eclipses 2012.
Emanations from the Moon > Stimulations, Stimulants, Stimulated
Just by looking at the Moon these days make us take our eyes away form her quickly, or by looking at the huge rings surrounding her, we know she is overcharged. Stimulations from the Giant Wave surpass her capacities, leaving her heavy and with tiredness sensations, just sensations, she is overcharged. And that’s how we will feel; in order to discharge, step on grass barefoot or on soil a little humid.
Energies going through the Moon and through her coming to us, are stimulants that keep us awake, hyperactive, alert, but at the same time with heaviness from the overcharge.
Stimulated the Moon by the three alternate currents reconfiguring our realities, she will oversize the outreach of reconfigurations, taken away by the moment, for the causes, reasons, flags… and we will fall for the same easily. Remember to look into the archer’s intentions.
Dressed with the eclipse electromagnetic currents, she dances extending her arms to induce the discharge of the overcharge and to keep on being herself not foreign programmings. Dance like her.
May we direct our energies again!
Read also:
Eclipse 28 Noviembre 2012 | Cyclic Patterns
*Click on images to go to sources
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