English Moon

Full Moon 9 February 2020

What is this mess?

Misinterpretations of the tides bathing earthly realities, revealed by the Full Moon (09FEB 07:33).

From major tides, societal rules changing for the next four decades with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction (10JAN2020), entering since last November and until May 2020. (See more on last Full Moon)

In the spheres of power, all sizes included, the chessboard is blurred, reigns and roads slip away, for patterns are remote-controlled and they still do not know what this is about.

Dark times are misinterpretations from realities brought by the eclipses of Exclusions (26DEC2019) and Exterminations (10JAN2020) deciding who plays and who must go or be exterminated.

And, intoxications, be them in power or in health, are part of the planetary navigation through lands of colossus, which make those infatuated with power tremble, soon their sinister mission to exterminate will be over and they will be ‘disposable’.

In daily life, fear spread intoxicates, but the struggle to survive among someone else’s mess saves, regenerating or fecundating.

It’s by instinct or perception of the flame from Candela, Candelaria or the Lady of the Waters, who already wrote history and it’s quite different from what is preached by any means.

It’s possible to spin and abandon those infatuation dimensions.

Besides, with heliocentric tides, which show us the force of the conjunction Saturn-Pluto triangulating with Mars and Neptune to procreate, regenerate or fecundate.

And the Earth (us) still commanding since last New Moon…

“fecundating or regenerating, making, creating, building. Other combinations, as order or forbid, are realities eclipsed by exclusions and exterminations”, New Moon 24 January 2020.

Command in the sense of leading regeneration or fecundation. Procreating, not waving the whip.

We are already seeing around us due to geocentric tides how reigns and roads slip away, how the chessboard blurred and what yesterday was a certainty, today is dissolved.

That’s the conjunction from Chiron, Venus and Lilith, opening the curtains to air the hidden and Jupiter bringing light to darkness caused by misinterpretations of remote-controlled autonomies.

We repeat: “If your sensations do less than inspire your creation, they need to be reviewed. Same as emotions, if you are not enjoying what you do, they need to be tuned in, more to yourself than to tides”, New Moon, 24 January 2020.

The key: Earth commands, that means us, decisions are ours, even though it seems the mess will decide for us.

We will be back soon.