English Moon

Full Moon 8 December 2022

Since last New Moon, Earth underwent mutations and so did we.

Along with this Full Moon (08DEC 04:08UT) heliocentric tides will ingress these mutations as coordinated actions making them visible along with the ‘surprise’ element active that we witnessed during the last two weeks (interactions Uranus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Chiron).

Geocentric tides will come somehow silent due to daily rumour that gives more value to ‘it’s said that’, gossip or alleged ‘disclosures’ rather than to mutations (interactions Pluto,Lilith), but mutations shall be the ones to give shape to a daily life that already changed our roles and clothes.

Eagerness to go on fighting for something that is gone(interactions Mars, Moon, Venus, Sun) are part of an optical illusion (conjunction Mars, Venus). Beyond mutations, out there are still in force games to simulate enlargements and thwart networks with unbeatable superwaves… by order and grace of undergoing eclipses that recently returned.

On sensations, emotions and sidereal atmospheres same as for last New Moon:

“Trust your sensations for they will be accurate, flawless, impeccable and facing any exchange they will take precedence before emotions, which will be reticent, capricious, stubborn due to mutations not being under their control.

Opening windows will be key that through these sidereal territories we are receiving fresh aire that releases, frees, unhooks whatever is imprisoned, trapped, tied”.

We will be back soon.