In three nights the Full Moon will unleash the fruits of attunement achieved in triads since the last New Moon.
| Full Moon 02 MAR 00:51 UT |
The Major Triad:
Eclipse Fusions appending and re-ordering | Invisibilities from the other eclipse | Solar reconnections bestowing a new role
The Luna Month Triad:
Heliocentric attunements | New geocentric frequencies | Lunar influences: suggestive sensations and accurate emotions. See more in New Moon 15 February 2018
Heliocentric Triads for the Full Moon:
1. Attunements are over, Saturn and Neptune flow on our surroundings, highlighting the fruits left.
2. Earth in opposition to Neptune, but in search of balance, for conjunctions substituted oppositions: Jupiter with Mars and Uranus with Mercury. Resistance weakens or at least doubts.
3. And, along with Saturn and Uranus, Earth flows with new frequencies left by attunements.
Geocentric Triad for the Full Moon:
1. These fruits will be seen not as signals, but in the footprints left by Chiron and the conjunctions Mercury-Venus, Sun-Neptune; meaning, that which we decided to resume or establish a new relationship with.
2. That unveiled by the Moon, Lilith and Saturn opening new roads in our surroundings.
3. By that which demands additional efforts and at first we resist, but we end up liking it, sponsored by oppositions of the Moon with the Sun-Mercury-Neptune triad. Attunements find severe resistance for they are an imposition, no matter how you look at them.