English Luna Moon

Full Moon 14 February 2014 The Colossal in Our Hands

Full Moon transporting us to new vortex

Ciclo 10 | Vuelo 14 | Día Solar: 237 | Día Lunar: 13 | Gregoriano: 12/II/2014

Greetings. We landed late and shocked by colossal disasters… more and more territories in the planet bearing situations extremely colossal. In our territories, floods affected more than 50,000 families and the number keeps growing. We found this panorama about Bolivia and clicking on the image you can download the PDF, they have constant updates and also information on other countries:


Full Moon this Friday at 23:53 UT already unleashed colossal emanations. We hope the gap between official time and real ones has shown us the worst already. Read previously past New Moon here.


Emanations from the Moon
Lady Moon was dressed as an adventurer last New Moon, now she walks with the genius loose, the turns without screws… a little screwy and in consequence we are too. It’s a disturbance that thanks to the loose genius (Mercury visiting while retrograde until February 28) can be fruitful. creative and generative. On the other side, some madness is comprehensible among so much colossal disaster, in any case it’s not just any madness. The Colossal is acting with triple intensity (triads).


Dispositions seen from the Earth (geocentric): Acceleration without Pause
Looking from our earthly window where we are guided by what we see and not what really is, the acceleration without a pause is triple (triads) in order to reach the colossal speed of times running us:

1. Struggles for power (Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto) unleash ‘propaganda’ disqualify ‘adversaries’ underestimating the intelligence of ‘ruled ones’. How minuscule are those efforts before the enormity of colossal times demanding at least seriousness!

2. Mercury’s genius plus the Moon’s madness receive the pressure of Saturn to keep them grounded. Anyone can do creative drawing, but not to the extent of erasing surrounding life… colossal.

3. Manifestation of three times colossal (triad) overflowing forces which leave us as full of watering holes, in our wits as well as in weather phenomena, but also in manipulations trying to define at the speed of light the course of things (apparent interactions of the Moon, Pluto, Venus, Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus).

The cause of these effects in major spaces is next.


Dispositions from Solar Giants (heliocentric): The Colossal

At the Full Moon, The Colossal unleashes colossal events marking a before and an after in our chronological history, in the cyclical one it’s the preparation to enter other levels next Equinox and, in the history of unseen worlds a vortex closing and another one opening. This verse is long but it’s traced from heavens:

The gong sounded and powers fighting over thrones have to define (Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus);
Chiron with Mars announced it (cross section January 30) and now with Venus leverage times.
Next New Moon (March 1) will be late and major decisions will decide for them. It’s now or it was.

Three colossal movements are turning us: reformatting 1 for the new power 2 with the cross vortex 3,
and Pluto commands all three, Lord of Transformations, Magician of Mutations.
The Earth is hooked with Neptune, Lord of the Seas, dancing from wave to wave.

The vortex which gave free rein to power struggles is closing, hence the gong;
its sound is mixed with the vortex buzz opening (Pluto, Venus, Chiron, Jupiter),
opened by the cross section and multiplying by three the acceleration of times (Saturn, Uranus).


A new torus is taking shape on this vortex (Pluto, Saturn, Chiron, Jupiter),
it’s so colossal that it swallows us up but does not devour us,
a step ahead clicks on the reformatting button and makes us part of its cosmos.

Pluto transmits the leverage from Venus and Chiron, as well as Mercury’s genius
enlarging Neptune’s waves and installing the new power,
along with minor powers according to their harmonious and strident scales.

It’s Pluto also who is turning all the timelines at once
with a single stream sends the ray and mutes the spectrum of colors.
During the expansion we get a glimpse of the indelible evidence… The Ship drawn in heavens.


Colossal moments, a colossal moment: should we address emergencies or turn with the new vortex?
Rituals multiply, finances mutate, money has another sound, headaches are given away.
Those affected demand dignity, support without begging nor exploitation by ‘aids’ with hidden business.

May no one be late to the next train!
May we all climb under the same conditions!
May we be extremely us, the others, those from inside!

Read also: The Colossal drawn in clouds

Note: Click on images to go to sources