Eclipses and Patterns English

Energies from Eclipses

These lines attempt to explain how
energies from eclipses can be related to
daily life, history and centuries.

Energies from eclipses, solar and lunar, go way
beyond the astronomical event itself,
and in their journey, reach us and centuries.

Each eclipse carries an energy unleashed at a
given moment, perfectly identifiable, even
predictable, and does it with rhythmic frequency.

That energy gives rise to a series of 70 to 82 eclipses,
recurring every 18 years approximately, for a period
between 12 and 15 centuries, known as the Saros Cycle (Source: NASA Eclipse Website).

And the return of that energy every 18 years
stamps patterns that, if chased, allow to understand
the characteristics of energies from eclipses.

Whenever possible, taking the initial eclipse
and historical events, patterns from the energy
are chased following dates of the cyclic return.

Some examples published in Los Bosques
show results obtained when chasing these
energies in patterns left throughout history.

Although there are periods in history not written,
erased, or forgotten, this does not happen when
chasing the eclipse’ energies at the personal level.

Using the eclipse return dates and events
in our lives as patterns, it’s possible
to remember how these energies act on us.

Los Bosques offers returning dates for each
eclipse, so you can attempt to remember
what kind of energies are flowing on us.