English Moon

New Moon 01 February 2022

We are almost, almost in the new Lunar Month and its synchronised tides at all levels distributing missing links… Phases of the Lunar Month (UT): 01 FEB 05:46 New Moon 08 FEB 13:50 Crescent Moon 16 FEB 16:57 Full Moon 23 FEB 22:32 Waning Moon Realities start to change, ongoing eclipses which intercalate time lines […]

Español Rueda de la Vida

Rueda de la Vida: Cuarto Febrero 2022

/|\ Regenerará el Sur, fecundará el Norte. Ambos rumbo al occidente. Misterioso. Siempre. Fuera del radar. Del otro lado. Travesías extrañas, hechas de vientos electrizantes completando el otro lado. Lo incompleto no conoce su totalidad. Soplarán por la piel y el entrecejo otras miradas, paisajes, seres. Repartiendo eslabones perdidos. Entre nosotros, adentro, como nosotros. Subrepticias, […]

English Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life: Quarter February 2022

/|\ South will regenerate, North will fecundate. Both heading to the West. Mysterious. Always. Out of the radar. On the other side. Strange journeys, made of electrifying winds to complete the other side. Incompleteness knows not its totality. Blowing on the skin and between the eyes other views, landscapes, beings. Distributing missing links. Between us, […]


Luna Llena 17 Enero 2022

Va entrando la Luna Llena (17ENE 23:49TU) con tríadas a velocidades supersónicas señalando por dónde seguir las mareas y que sea templándose, con temple y templanza. En curso el mini-ciclo que comenzó con la última Luna Nueva (02ENE 2022) y durará hasta mediados de febrero, disolviendo las frecuencias en cursos y resolviendo los asuntos desde […]

English Moon

Full Moon 17 January 2022

Incoming Full Moon (17JAN 23:49UT) with triads at supersonic speed pointing which way to follow the tides and may it be with temper, mettle and temperance. The mini-cycle that started last New Moon (02JAN2022) and will last until mid-February is underway, dissolving running frequencies and resolving matters from outer spheres, without our intervention and regenerating […]

Español Luna

Luna Nueva 02 Enero 2022

Llegamos con las mareas del nuevo mes lunar que trae un mini-ciclo que viene con vida, decisiones y maneras propias a regenerar. Fases del Mes Lunar (TU): 02 ENE 18:34 Luna Nueva 09 ENE 18:11 Luna Creciente 17 ENE 23:49 Luna Llena 25 ENE 13:41 Luna Menguante Todavía bajo los eclipses en curso: las realidades […]

English Moon

New Moon 02 January 2022

Arriving with the tides of a new Lunar Month which will bring a mini cycle with life, decisions and ways of its own to regenerate. Phases of the Lunar Month (UT): 02 ENE 18:34 New Moon 09 ENE 18:11 Crescent Moon 17 ENE 23:49 Full Moon 25 ENE 13:41 Waning Moon Still under the ongoing […]

English Moon

Full Moon 19 December 2021 plus Solstice

Arriving later than usual with the plenilune (19NOV 04:36UT) and the Solstice (21NOV 15:59UT) at very intense supersonic speed. Intense were already realities of undergoing eclipses, now their intensity increases potentially: Decreed Realities (04DIC2021) producing by itself intense reactions and Impressed Forces (19NOV2021) which are so intense they endure throughout time. And regarding supersonic. These […]