English Luna Moon

Full Moon March 29/30 2010: Three Eras, Three Emanations, Three Events

Ciclo 6 | Vuelo 20 | Día Solar: 279 | Día Lunar: 12 | Gregoriano: 26/III/10

* Lea la versión en castellano aquí

Las Pichitankas

In the middle of the flight we received the fresh and invigorating force of Juana Azurduy de Padilla, Alto Peru’s flower (Bolivia), returning with the ‘Balance of the Eras’ giving back our force:

And, with her force our wings changed course and flavour for this flight, with a dring of soil resounding with cosmic emanations detached from Full Moon’s folds, and following our navigation in these sidereal space we are crossing:


Ciclo Lunar

Southern Hemisphere: Harvest Moon | Vital Emanation: Gather

Northern Hemisphere: Dew Moon | Vital Emanation: Fruitful

Both Hemispheres: Breathing through perceptions


Lunar Month

New: Monday March 15 21:01 UT (17:01 BOL)

Crescent: Tuesday, March 23 11:00 UT (07:00 BOL)

Full: Tuesday, March 30 02:25 UT (Monday 29 22:25 BOL)

Waning: Tuesday, April 6 09:37 UT (05:37 BOL)

Source: U.S. Naval Observatory
Fuente: U.S. Naval Observatory

If during the New Moon ‘perception breathed us’, now with Full Moon we’ll see if we followed our perception or missed it; besides restituting relationships that are part of our paths. If, this Full Moon get us near our pending matters, to strengthen us, to rediscover ourselves in ‘the forgotten’. For Southern Hemisphere, harvesting what we sowed and for the Nort, looking at sprouts of life we multiplied. It will be an intense and shaky stretch and we’ll be rocked by releasing energy waves to restitute and reveal the eras (see Solar Giants).

An ideal instant to synchronize to natural cycles (Full Moon, solar navigation and cosmic emanations)? The Earth Hour this Sunday at 00:30 to 01:30 GMT (Bolivia: Saturday at 20:30-21:30): the ‘World Blackout!’ And among the shadows of life we’ll feel part of the immensities containing us or by the candle remember natural flavours. Visit the official page of Earth Hour and here  Bolivia Earth Hour, and visit yourself at the Earth Hour, restituting relationships in your inner and unseen worlds.


Ciclo Solar

Southern Hemisphere:

Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: Balance | To synchronize click on link or left image

Navigation: Last March 20 with Autumn Equinox, the ‘Dry’ driving us with Fire and Earth.

Life Planning: Life’s expansion in the Solar Cycle is over, now it’s time to harvest, pick up the walked path and distribute evenly to keep on going. Los Bosques promotes the Transition to Next Solar Cycle with a downloadable guide, in 8 steps,we started with Autumn Equinox and will finish 5 days before Winter Solstice, including Dorkhyt’s use for those who have it.

The first stretch/section, from March 21 to 29, we rebuilt ‘whereby (through where) did I come from?’. We’ll start the second one on March 30 and walk through it until april 14, making visible ‘where am I going?’. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to support you.


Northern Hemisphere:

Solar Cycle Phase | Vital Emanation: Germination | Click on link or left image to synchronize

Navigation: Since last March 20, Spring Equinox, Moist driving us with Water and Air.

Life Planning: Once we took our first steps to reach what we want, we see our first fruits and it’s time to decide if we are in the right direction. Pay attention to what comes through your road these days, that will predominate in your life throughout the year. The key question is: what’s emerging in my life? And see if that is what we want, need adjustments or intensify because that is what we are or will be. See also Mother Nature in Vernal Equinox.

Dorkhyt: Sinchronyze with 3 slow breathings and let your breath flow. Evocation early in the morning looking for your own emanation.

This April 4th, Bolivia will have elections to define local governments: departmental, regional, municipal, indigenous… a group of cybers are organizing a virtual space as a proposal for citizens’ participation, where you can participate throu SMS, facebook, twitter, mail… participation is open and we hope to meet you there sharing experiences at Elecciones2.0 Bolivia


Gigantes SolaresPrevious: Looking into the disposition of the heavens is to restitute unseen worlds remembering different roles we perform in the music of the spheres as vibrational keys, diverse as the life we are while we move through space, giving colors and shapes to our manifest worlds.


Drawn in heavens: ‘The Undermined Authority’

Disposition for the Lunar Month: ‘Balance of the Eras’

The ‘Wheel of Manifestation’ revealing hidden or made invisible or forgotten eras… including the present one which didn’t have any shape yet and other that were forgotten (Saturn, Pluto, Uranus and Mercury), come out to the light, reaching us all, imprinting other flavours to life. And, this wheel comes with three triads which identifies the moment as belonging to other spheres, other worlds, where decisions surpass ours and flow us yes or yes dressing the times with:

  • Transformation into the other one (Pluto, Saturn and Uranus)
  • Recuperating by Action (Mars, Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron)
  • Amalgamated Restitution (Pluto, Venus and Mercury).

This ‘Wheel of Manifestation’ is like life in movement to reveal that which was taking shape in unseen worlds as a result of times (eras) and their movements (changes) are trying to adapt (place). Not everything is new for the ‘Balance of the Eras’, rather it’s a mix of what constituted us and was left unseen, what we are and remained hidden, what we will be as a result of what we lived, what we will still be as a consequence of being ourselves.

Those are the dispositions, but in our heavens is also drawn ‘The Undermined Authority’ showing that excesses will not go far away, that  ‘do as I say’ attitudes are strident, that decisions ‘my way is everyone else’s’ truncate, that hidden intentions are bared in a bad way, that no one can usurp life in restitution times. The history of Faraoh Akhenaten ilustrates accurately ‘The Undermined Authority”.

It’s still valid since New Moon: Continúa vigente desde la Luna Nueva: “At the personal level, synchronize with the planet which is balancing movements and distributing in equal proportions forces, potencies and movements, try to see beyond what ‘shoudl be’ or what ‘someone’ decided so it should be to reach your changes, apply your potentialities already awaken to look into your other realities and do not go too far redecorating the landscape for we carry identities inside of us.”

Social struggles to reach our goals will need to vibrate as the planet who intensified her proportions from 3:6 to 3:9, to reach alliances it’s necessary to include everyone, not two trying to manipulate others, the proportion is 9:9.


Madre Tierra Armonía con la Naturaleza
Madre Tierra Armonía con la Naturaleza

Under those fumes that restitute and give shape to the eras, everyone is invited to participate at the

World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth to be held in Cochabamba, Bolivia, April 20 – 22, 2010. Register at Working Groups and you will be able to participate at electronic debates already unfolding (use English tab). Here you will find a proposal for questions for a world referendum on climate change (Spanish). Believe it or not, whether you support it or not, participate, only if we are where decisions are taken we can make sure that no one decides for us.


Augurios en el Equinoccio - Greetings for the Equinox
Augurios en el Equinoccio - Greetings for the Equinox

May We Be The Eras!

May You Restitute Your Relations!

May We Be Ourselves and Be There To Be!


In Los Bosques you can synchronize to your cycles, worlds and yourself starting your reactivation now, remembering our forgotten history and requesting your Dorkhyt to remember who you are and which your life purpose.

Las Pichitankas


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