Attunements English web

A Tag Cloud to Re-Programme Inequities


Those who travel the worlds of internet are familiar with the term ‘Tag Cloud’, through which a site can inform their users with a list of words about the topics it covers and facilitates the search.

I inserted my Tag Cloud on this post that thanks to Sean Sullivan is animated and invites to navigation. On my Tag cloud I was able to reflect what I want to convey and selected those words which could also represent me.

However, using tags in that way is very different to choosing them to qualify others and through them create socio-economic and cultural conditions that determine the Stratification of Inequities.

And there comes sliding down my ‘Storm Cloud‘, drawing while I remembered how with these words exclusivities were built in detriment of the most and exclusions in favor of the less.

The great difference of these ‘tags’ in the storm cloud is that they were not decided to reflect realities, rather to distort them and dictate a state of things convenient to the establishment.

Certainly there are more and according to the circumstance in which they are used they could be millions. In my Storm Cloud I included only those that laid bare the tagging in order to look at intentionalities and this emerged:

  • Programming to dictate how life should be lived
  • Spreading panicin order to suffocate any attempt to draw life with free style
  • Disqualifying to avoid any threat to the exclusive world of the qualifiers
  • Degraders to produce social censorship and opprobrium for disobedient ones
  • Deniers usurpating the right to existence for anything contravening the script
  • Perpetuating the wicked status quo or maintain the business of survival
  • Paradise promising only if and as long as we sell our souls and mortgage our coming lives
  • Cosificadoras (turning life into usable objects) to convert people into resources for someone else’s pocket
  • Stratifiers to create castes of dubious origin sprinkling injustices
  • Climbers offering privileges at the expense of steeping on others
  • Condemning to poverty and putting blame on ‘bad luck’ for outrageous life conditions
  • Endowing that grants ‘superiority’ due to alleged inferiority of others
  • Judging through disdain of others who are different
  • Misleading for they promise heavens with one hand and with the other subjugate
  • Mixers for they divest people and persons of their identities in order to hide the unjustifiable
  • Conditioning with unreachable requirements in order to snatch even the right to life
  • Disdainingso as to remove from the road by reason and force anything opossing
  • Fragmenting in order to control life by pieces and create the appearance of insurmountable blocked compartments

Another endless list, though the approach is valid to see behind the veil for a while and remember that behind storm tags, lies our history and nowadays of inequities, that applied and unfolding as processes, had and have the power to establish twisted socio-economic and cultural conditions, and of all kind. Specially make us believe that it has to be so and that to be ourselves is misbehaving.

The power of this ill-intentioned tags is so strong that they were able to become rooted in our own mental patterns and we apply them, and live them, and perpetuate them because finally that’s how we were programmed…

…but what is programmed can be re-programmed and what one is can be repressed but not disappeared, so my option is to laid bare them and reach their deepest roots, then place them in my ‘Storm Cloud’ and just by looking at them I remember who I am in the untold history.

Note.I am open to talk about any of these words and also to co-create liberating Rain Tags in order to be ourselves once again. And this post will be a success if just one person creates its own ‘Storm Cloud’ divesting the inequities.

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