English Luna Moon Mundos del Trastoque Sintonizaciones

2009: June 21 Solstice, June 22 New Moon – Las Pichitankas have the current energies

Ciclo 6 | Vuelo 0 | 3 days before the New Solar Cycle | Día Lunar: 29 | Gregoriano: 19/VI/09

* Lea la versión en castellano aquí

Las Pichitankas

¡Happy Solstice wherever you are and may we meet on its energies!

Our flight comes in 3 for everything and in triads come the energies for this Lunar Cycle. We’ll tell you all about it in a while.

For this new Solar Year/Cycle we will go further on information for synchronization, we will also increase our flights for ‘Alerts’. In order to receive them you can subscribe – at no charge – to Los Bosques and receive them by mail, RSS, o find us in Twitter or Facebook. Links to all of them are on the botton panel of any page.

We receive the Solstice with great joy, read in this flight what happens in unseen worlds to synchornize:

  • Solar Cycle: Sunday is the Solstice and planetary energies are renovated for both hemispheres
  • Lunar Cycle: New Moon channels ‘Transforming Regeneration’
  • Solar Giants: Solar vecinity works in triads and under the influence of ‘The Rage of the Pythons’; essential to look at their path and not their effects. And remember that since June 15 we are under the influences of the ‘Period of Transformations on Relationships’ that will influence us yes or yes until the end of December (recomendable to read it if you didn’t, it’s under the Solar Giants section of our last flight).

In Bolivian territories we have a triple celebration:

  • Important because it makes the South visible, beacuse once again we have a complete solar year, because… read here 9 reasons to celebrate Winter Solstice: not only as an Aymara New Year, they are the people (pueblos) of these territories and to whom we thank for perpetuating our relationship with Nature and Cosmos, but for all the Southern Hemisphere that initiates with this solstice  a new solar year according to natural laws. Worth to notice that Winter Solstice celebrations are shared by hundreds of people (pueblos) around the planet, for it is a moment of transformation that renews the energies that give us life. May we all soon link to our natural cycles!
  • In order to read more on the importance of this observation, celebration and synchronization for Winter Sosltice, read here what it means for both hemispheres that the South continues living the Northern Hemisphere year

Ciclo Lunar

New Moon, Monday June 22, 19:35 GMT (15:35 Bolivia)

Southern Hemisphere: Moon of Long Nights, 1st. Lunar Cycle of the new Solar Year/Cycle. Vital Emanation: Start again

North Hemisphere: Moon of Long Days. Vital Emanation: Expansion

Channeling for both hemispheres: Transforming Regeneration (read on Solar Giants to know what this channeling is about).

Pulsatins for the Lunar Cycle: 1-3 (a vibration that sends a force and waits for the answer that comes triplicated). On your intentions, send a signal and wait 3 back; on your actions, take a step and wait for 3 anwers; on your synchronizations, send a force and wait three forces on return.


Ciclo SolarSolstice, Sunday June 21 05:45 GMT (01:45 Bolivia)

Southern Hemisphere: Winter Solstice

Solar Cycle Phase/Vital Emanarion: Rebirth (click here to synchronize)

Navigation: Kingdoms of Cold

Forces and Potencies: Water and EarthRebirth-Renacimiento

Emanation: Gestation of New Time

Life Planning: Gathering the necessary to carry out our plans

Dorkhyt: Synchronization to galactic center to walk the year with that rythm

Reproduction - Reproducción

Northern Hemisphere: Summer Solstice

Solar Cycle Phase/Vital Emanation: Reproduction (click here to synchronize)

Navigation: Kingdoms of Heat

Forces and Potencies in Navigation: Air and Fire

Emanation: Life’s intensity = Expansion

Life Planning: Transference of production to expand on others

Dorkhyt: Synchronization with Solar System’s center to reach the abundant expansion of its rythm


Gigantes SolaresDrawn on heavens: Transformations that Seal Pending Issues

For this Lunar Cycle (June 22 to July 21/22), Solar Giants dispose that it’s time to… transform pending issues for our planet visiting Kingdoms of Pluto, who for a very long time is in charge, together with Saturn, to shift our realities in order to vibrate according to Shifting Times.

Dispositions: In heavens ‘The Rage of Pythons’ is running loose, which is less alarming than it sounds, powerful they shake everything on their road, but shift only specific points. It’s a matter of holding on until the tremor is over, there where it stops it’s time to change reality, at any level. Pythons’ mission is to shake what is exceeding or does not belong, jealous guardiands of time’s harmony, they come out in troops with the force of their rage to shake realities/situations demanding to adequate to the moment, vibration and rythm. They go through at great velocities that make them invisible and move so fast they do not correspond with our vibrations, withdrawing before we notice their presence,  specially because tremor paralizes us and makes us look only into the shake and we do not turn to see where it ends.

Acting Triads (dispose how the transformation will be):

Saturn, Pluto-Earth and Mars: Transform what was initiated around May 30 with forces and effects of ‘The Rage of the Pythons’
Three pairs dispose how to carry out the transformation: Jupiter and Chiron reestablish fallen connections; Neptune and Venus put on the table pending issues; Mercury and Uranus open new possibilities/views to unblock.

Three relations from a triad (Chrion, Neptune and Venus) show the approach for the transformation: original communication/dialogue on pending issues (Mercury and Uranus), after the battle reward those accompanying do not use (Mars); to manifest transformation make sure each one acts from his/her role (function, office, hierarchy) overflown/usurpated.


May The Solstice Turning Thrice Give Us Back Triple Views!

Happy Summer Solstice in the North!

Happy New Year in the South!


In Los Bosques you can synchronize to your cycles, worlds and yourself  starting your reactivation now, remembering our  forgotten history and requesting your Dorkhyt to remember who you are and which your life purpose.

Las Pichitankas