Moment dedicated to the Roma people
who in spite of of all weak aggressions
suffered throught the centuries continues upright.
They drag along the echo of forgotten history
that extends beyond its people,
in wombs that reach all peoples.
Zealously they keep the great secret of the times,
their name is hidden form distorsions,
their language is preserved from gossip.
They dance life in contagious waves,
sing the days returning emotions,
see what others can not, like once we all did.
The insolence of feeling deeply
has not been forgiven yet,
less to remind us that only feeling we are.
The vehemence of their presence
annoys disguised lies
that no chains were able to destroy them.
Chants not heard
whispered that life is not amputated
and multiplies without asking permission.
Admiration, respect and gratitude
to the people that keeps our history
at the expense of being deprived of their own.

The following links are shared for those who still did not approach these people:
- Myths, Hypotheses and Facts | Concerning the Origin of Peoples | The True Origin of Roma and Sinti
- Mujer Gitana Transmisora de la cultura
- The History and Origin of the Roma
- The Roma people in Wikipedia
And last, words and video of someone who made us feel life here in the South:
Yo Soy Gitano
Señor de muchos caminos, amante y aventurero,
Soy de la raza gitana, su príncipe y heredero.
Una raza que de vieja su historia lleva perdida,
cabalga junto a la muerte y su caballo es la vida.
Vengo de tierras lejanas de allí donde nace el día,
no tengo nación ni patria pues la Tierra es toda mía.
Soy padre de la alegría y hermano de la tristeza,
peleo ante la injusticia y me rindo ante la belleza.
Y aunque no tengo corona soy de reyes, soberano,
pues es mi mayor orgullo señores, yo soy gitano.
Sandro, Argentinian singer
2 replies on “To the Roma | Gypsy | Romani People”
Deeply appreciate for stopping by and sharing your granparents’ life. May another ship bring us all to cherish life! 😉
Thank you so much for your wonderful post. My grandmother was an Hungarian Roma, a widow, deported from New York with her twin boys. She met my grandfather on board ship, and the captain married them!